What Are Your Unique Items?

Lord Ipplepop

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A couple of my favorite home brew items:

Mace of Healing: In order to heal the target individual, one must successfully attack them for "damage". The amount of damage done is the amount of healing. This was a very 2-sided affair, as the players found it in a cash, and the cleric spent the rest of the adventure healing his adversaries until they got back to the city and had it identified.

War Axe of Neutrality: This axe was aligned true neutral. It would alternate with harm/heal. One attack it would cause damage for whatever the roll was, the next it would heal as many points as the player rolled "damage"... the fun part was this would happen whether there was a hit or not. Every swing changed the slant of the axe. First swing was for damage, and there was no hit, the next swing was for healing. The dwarf that got it ended up healing the dragon more than causing it damage.

(cursed item)
Ring of Opposite Sexuality: This was specifically designed for one of our regular players who is a very flamboyant gay man, and whose character was just as flamboyant.
When his character put the ring on, his character turned straight, and the player started playing him as a mix between Stallone and Ron Jeremy. We all had a great time, including the player, and when he got tired of it, he had a Remove Curse spell cast and went back to normal.

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Ok, here are some that my characters used or other characters used in campaigns I played in:

1. Vampire Ring. You put it on; if you failed your save you turned into a Vampire. It was initially mis-identified as a ring of Vampiric Regeneration. The lowest level cleric in the party tried (failed her save) it on and became the strongest member of the party.

2. A pair of identical looking broadswords that glowed blue when in the presence of goblins. Normally +1, +2 vs. goblins. When wielded by identical twins the bonus was +2, +4 vs. goblins.

3. Sex change belt. Buckle it and the character's sex changed from male to female or female to male. The party assassin made great use of that.

4. A Circlet of Brilliance, which looked cooler on the party wizard than a Helm of Brilliance.

I'll think of more we encountered.


I ran a 3.5 campaign in FFG's Midnight setting a number of years back. Out of that campaign came one of my favorite magic items: The Darkwood Palm.

One of the PC's in the campaign lost his arm to an umber hulk. He played the loss of the limb spectacularly, and so after a handful of sessions he was granted the Darkwood Palm by a benevolent treant druid. The dark wooden hand magically grafted itself to the wielder's arm and in the tradition of Midnight was a covenant item (granting abilities at various levels). The abilities were generally nature related (warp wood, etc.) but the restoration of the character's hand was a pretty momentous occasion in the campaign.


First Post
In the campaign I'm currently playing in, we're gradually gathering a set of artifacts known as the Chromata, which are guarded by dragons of their respective color. We've only got one so far:

Mavrilith, a jet black axe seemingly cast from an incredibly hard metal unknown to dwarven science and razor sharp. The weapon is possessed of an evil intelligence (problematic) and thirsts for magic (dispels on hit, which is fantastic).

In this same game, we also found an item known as the Black Lotus Dagger. It's an obsidian dagger engraved with fell runes. When plunged into the ground, it opens a portal to one of several hell dimensions. This portal remains until it is plunged into the ground on the other side, at which time it snaps closed. It can likewise be used to exit hell in the same manner (stick it in the ground in hell, opens a portal to the material, step through, stab material ground, closes).

Other quirky, but not really unique items from this one include the Forn of Hog, and the fact that rods of mineral detection cannot detect lead.

In a previous campaign, we had a dragonslayer ranger. After several notable successes, a group of dragons sent a dragonkith gnoll ranger (favored enemy: humans) after him. When the gnoll was slain, we found on its corpse a unique magic staff containing a couple of ranger spells; the most memorable was Bloodhound from Masters of the Wild. Since you rarely find staves for rangers and paladins, this was pretty damn cool.


Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Not my creation, but I'm currently playing in a high-powered D&D campaign (3.5 gestalt + boatloads of free feats + ample gold allowance for status, connections, and fancy equipment) where one of the characters has a full-body tattoo that secretes black lotus extract, in addition to a few other benefits. Quite a potent benefit for a monk...
What does black lotus extract do (besides make that character oily)? Is that from an official or third party source?

If nothing else, I bet that character is a demon on the slip-and-slide. :p


First Post
What does black lotus extract do (besides make that character oily)? Is that from an official or third party source?

If nothing else, I bet that character is a demon on the slip-and-slide. :p

It's the most potent contact poison in the SRD.
Special Abilities :: d20srd.org

Ctrl+f for "black lotus" or just scroll down to the poisons table about 2/3 down the page.

He's not particularly greasier than any other person, but his skin oils will kill you.


Been here a while...
Most of my "unique" stuff was in my 2e games.

One party had a key that could open any door, once per day, but only if you already knew what was on the other side.

I gave one guy an Everfull Bag of Peanuts. It wasn't something I'd planned. But when a guy plans out a ritual dedicated to the minotaur god of baseball and then dances around the room moo-ing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame", you gotta give him something.

Our barbarian had a Great Club of Opening. He hated magic and had no idea it was enchanted with a Knock spell. He just thought he'd hit whatever he wanted open hard enough. It was destroyed when he shoved it "someplace unfortunate" on a dragon they were fighting. The aftermath was terrible.


Our barbarian had a Great Club of Opening. He hated magic and had no idea it was enchanted with a Knock spell. He just thought he'd hit whatever he wanted open hard enough. It was destroyed when he shoved it "someplace unfortunate" on a dragon they were fighting. The aftermath was terrible.

I like it!

Gold Roger

First Post
I forgot the name I gave it and it's not something very spectacular. But I once gave out a spear that changed shaft length at will. Wanna be sneaky? Just the tip and handle make it a dagger. Want to keep masses at bay? change to longspear.

Not exectly a magic item, but I ended the last campaign of my group (which was cut short) with them opening a gate that "would fullfill their wishes". The PC's wanted riches and military might, so they got an army of gold and diamont encrusted skeletons.

Hmm, there's two thing I could use again in a new campaign...

Voidrunner's Codex

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