What Are Your Unique Items?


Steeliest of the dragons
I forgot the name I gave it and it's not something very spectacular. But I once gave out a spear that changed shaft length at will. Wanna be sneaky? Just the tip and handle make it a dagger. Want to keep masses at bay? change to longspear.

Not exectly a magic item, but I ended the last campaign of my group (which was cut short) with them opening a gate that "would fullfill their wishes". The PC's wanted riches and military might, so they got an army of gold and diamont encrusted skeletons.

Hmm, there's two thing I could use again in a new campaign...

I'd say that's a right good magic item. I use that sort of property on magic items all of the time. It's fluffed into the world as "elf made weaponry" from the last/elvin age are almost always enchanted with "retraction/expansion" magics. The one that sticks in my head most is a halberd I gave out that had the retracting/expanding shaft as you describe, so the warrior who had it could use it two-handed as a halberd or spear...or a two-handed battle axe...or shrink it down to single-handed "hand axe" size to fight with an additional weapon or shield on their other hand.

Also, practically all elf-made magical bows (of the upper crusty type elves) have retraction enchantments so they basically shrink down to just the grip, fitting on their belts/no larger than a dagger and growing to full bow (short or long) size when pulled out to use. One elf-prince character has the quiver of his similarly connected to the bow's magic so the quiver and arrows in it shrink down to, like, darts in a hip holster and grow to the needed size when the bow is activated.

And, have to say, the gold army and diamond-encrusted skeletons are a GREAT evocative image/idea. Consider them yoinked!

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Our barbarian had a Great Club of Opening. .... It was destroyed when he shoved it "someplace unfortunate" on a dragon they were fighting. The aftermath was terrible.

I'd rule a 1/2 strength breath weapon with the "Clinging" feat (draconomicon 3e)
thrown in.
definitely not an opening you wanted to force.


Minor Tweaks

A mat black dagger, blade on one side, serrated teeth on the back. It has a single rune etched in gray just above the handle. It was made by Scaven.
When thrown it teleports back to the throwers hand.
+1 duelists dagger. (grants combat advantage 1/day)

A Brass Collar, hinged in such a way so that once it is closed it can only be opened after removing the wearers head. (or by destruction of the item)
Inscribed on the front is the Primordial word for "Duty."
(one of the PCs is Janissary escaped from the city of brass, he likes to charge)
+1 Badge of Berserker. (prevents opportunity attacks when charging)


First Post
ring of cowardice
blinks the user up to 10 feet away up to 5 feet of the ground if wounded.
direction was random(d10/d6).

Medellion of cool.
slowly made the character cooler(chr bonus, started turning into disco stu)

also in combat it would charge up.
the effect would charge as long as the character moved 10 feet in a turn
the medelion would swing about and eventully start rotating around user neck in combat.(the medellion then caused 1 hp damage to anyone in a random ajecent square each turn.)
the clink of the chain and whir of air though the medellion started make music.(disco)
the jewels started flashing.
(the who effect meant everybody had to make a will save the first time they attacked the wearer after the above effect activated.)

love cursed items. (minor downside to good upside)

Gold Roger

First Post
Thought up this little bugger recently, though I'm still a bit stumped on mechanics:

Four Voiced
This round shield of simple bronze looks battered, with a bump at the center and four around it.

When battle is joined the central bump obens to reaveal an eye, while the other four open up as mouths. Throughout battle the four mouths chant troglodyte tongue in canon., while the eye twitches and spasmatically views the battlefield.

The shield provides good protcetion (I'd say +2 enchantment). Can be mildly to extremely annoying and longtime use might drive you mad.

Dunno, feel like it needs another mechanical quirk for the chanting and eyeing.

Is it just me, or does that sound like a dangerous weapon to use?
Sounds like a scam to me, everyone knows there's no such thing as skaven.


Staff member
Four Voiced could tie nicely into some Mythos/Far Realm stuff- meet certain conditions while using it and summon something unpleasant. Or perhaps, over time, the user...transmogrifies.

Or perhaps it can be taught spells...

Of course, teaching it spells could be what starts the process of change.


Thought up this little bugger recently, though I'm still a bit stumped on mechanics:

Four Voiced
This round shield of simple bronze looks battered, with a bump at the center and four around it.

When battle is joined the central bump obens to reaveal an eye, while the other four open up as mouths. Throughout battle the four mouths chant troglodyte tongue in canon., while the eye twitches and spasmatically views the battlefield.
Dunno, feel like it needs another mechanical quirk for the chanting and eyeing.

Whee! I would love to give this to a fighter in my group, but mostly he wants to hit things with his shield.
- for a 3.5 game, it could cast a spell on the 10th round of combat.
perhaps fear, or smite good. Less extreme would be Doom, or Scare.

Sounds like a scam to me, everyone knows there's no such thing as skaven.

Tell that to the orcs and goblins that just lost a threeway battle in the sewers beneath the city. Besides my image of the knife was from an old GW book...
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Some magic items from my recent games...

"Urun'thiel" , a high elven memory orb which could modify and even erase memories of willing or helpless creatures; with the caveat that it required an Arcana check with scaling difficulty according to the memory change/wipe attempted, and backlash on a failed check. Eladrin/high elves used it to soothe the pain of traumatic memories over the span of their long lives.

Magic Vistani Kobza , a lyre type instrument which allowed a bard to subtly cast deception rituals and non-combat spells during a performance.

Head of the Old King, a talking somewhat oracular severed head of a LN(E) king who constantly advised laying the smack down on enemies of the kingdom. The head also acted as a familiar briefly.

Scroll of Summon Censor Mephits, a gag from a planescape game which cursed a target to be hounded by censor mephits which *bleep* out any foul language.

And my personal favorite, not really a magical item...

Blackmail documents, which gave a circumstantial +10 bonus to a social skill check against the target, or could be used up during a trial to secure a conviction.

Voidrunner's Codex

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