What boardgames are you playing in 2012?

April started for us with a 5-player game of Grimoria - nothing to write home about.

Next we played an Oldie: "Weiß der Kuckuck", a Taboo-like game which seems to be unknown to Boardgamegeek.

Finally we played Skull&Roses.

Oh well, the Easter holidays make for some unusual collection of games, with lots of regular participants being somewhere else and rare players turning up, instead. :)

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Had a good day's gaming: two games of Lords of Waterdeep, two games of Drakon, one game of Urban Sprawl, and one game of War of the Ring - which ended in a rare Free People's Military victory.

Rare, indeed. New player? Bad luck?

Bad luck - Sarah's my main WotR opponent, and we've played 10 or more times together. Her attacks on Minas Tirith and Rohan went badly astray - Helm's Deep fell, but then the units in Edoras pounded the Witch King to oblivion, and Gandalf summoned the Ents to take out Saruman.

In the last turn, Sarah rolled almost all event symbols, and wasn't able to muster or react before I walked into Umbar and Orthanc. Mind you, the Ringbearers were two steps away from their goal and ended on 11 Corruption, so it was very nearly a corruption victory for the Shadow.


Managed to play a full 6-player game of Dominant Species on Friday. Hugely enjoyable - somehow I just managed to achieve a come-from-behind victory (as the Insects). Sarah led for most of the game as the Arachnids, but most of the Arachnids went extinct just before final scoring, which gave me the victory.

I need to get in games of Combat Commander and Fighting Formations to do all the Chad Jensen designs I have. ;)

Easter holdiay with one child abroad leaves us with our son for playing games with. One round of Alhambra and one of Thunderstone with the Wrath of the elements expansion.

Alhambra was pretty close, but in Thunderstone my wife mopped the floor with us: 43 to 26 to 18.

Hah! Wait until your Swordmage gets before my screen!

Managed to play a full 6-player game of Dominant Species on Friday. Hugely enjoyable - somehow I just managed to achieve a come-from-behind victory (as the Insects). Sarah led for most of the game as the Arachnids, but most of the Arachnids went extinct just before final scoring, which gave me the victory.
I would LOVE to get a 6-player game together. We can only seem to get 3 or 4 max.

We played 3-player Dominion on Thursday night, with a group of other people playing 4-player Ticket to Ride. We sorta grouped together to get in four 6-player plays of a fun little game called For Sale. It's quick, only 15min per play, and a lot of fun.

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