Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
So, which class(es) do you feel have improved the most. This is not limited to combat, any aspect of growth is okay. Including changes to other rules that improve the class. Also, this is improvement, not a tier list or your favorites. So classes like Ranger or Monk might have more room for that upswing than some of classes considered better in 2014.
You can vote for as many as you'd like, but please try to focus on "the most". Voting for all of them as they all improved some degree or another is missing the point.
I would like to avoid the "there's this one loophole that makes them amazing" or "if you stick this particular 2014 subclass on it, you get this unexpected synergy", more an appreciation of the whole class redo.
Please keep this positive, thank you.
You can vote for as many as you'd like, but please try to focus on "the most". Voting for all of them as they all improved some degree or another is missing the point.
I would like to avoid the "there's this one loophole that makes them amazing" or "if you stick this particular 2014 subclass on it, you get this unexpected synergy", more an appreciation of the whole class redo.
Please keep this positive, thank you.