D&D 5E What comes after the 2025 Monster Manual?

I would consider that a mistake as it gives credence to the idea that the two versions are not compatible after all
I don't think businesses approach things based on "will this win or lose me an argument on the internet?"

If they start hearing that black-spined D&D books aren't selling as well as red-spined books, there's going to people in house pushing them to update the spine for the next print run. And once you're making any changes to older books, there will be other voices pushing for more updates.

And hey, it's a chance to get customers to buy the same book another time, which definitely works on a decent-sized segment of the audience.

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I don't think businesses approach things based on "will this win or lose me an argument on the internet?"

If they start hearing that black-spined D&D books aren't selling as well as red-spined books, there's going to people in house pushing them to update the spine for the next print run. And once you're making any changes to older books, there will be other voices pushing for more updates.

And hey, it's a chance to get customers to buy the same book another time, which definitely works on a decent-sized segment of the audience.
I think if they were planning on updating the spines, then they wouldn't have gone with a spine that is so close to the same. We'll probably - eventually - see the 2014+ books go out of print, or get revised, but I don't think that it's something that they're thinking about right now. I think that it was the largest single reason for Backwards Compatibility. That job being done (to WotC's satisfaction, if not everyone here's) they won't feel the need to update them. Not soon, anyhow. OTOH, if they DO update them for other reasons, like how they did with Phandelver, then yeah, they'll get the newer trade dress. But it's not something that they're going to set out to do on its own, IMO.

I think WotC will want to update the cover treatments of them to the red spines to indicate that they're "current edition" books. While they could just stop at doing that, it would be very easy for them to then say "well, we should update the monster stat block format, too" and then "well, we have this new content we produced in 2024 that would fit in well here ..."
Especially the player-facing content; several have backgrounds that would "need" updating to the new standard (ex: Ghost's Fisher, Marine, Shipwright & Smuggler background) and possibly other touches (tabaxi references in Tomb?). We know spellcasting monsters would get the Mord's treatment as well. That's all stuff though that we should expect to see at least AFTER the 1st major campaign adventure for the new books, as we saw it eventually with the Tiamat books getting a facelift from their original release with proto-D&D rules. It could instead be feasibly be done as a monster book and player's supplement book on down the way, but I suspect the hew and cry from that ("What? I have to buy the PHB, MM, original outdated Tomb, Tasha's 2, and MM2 to run this adventure? Are you crazy?!?") would be deafening.

You know what's also coming out in 2025? Shrek 5. Now, am I saying that it's the biggest fantasy IP since game of thrones? Yes. Am I saying that WotC would be fools not to do a Shrek tabletop tie in? Yes. Am I saying they will? No.

I do imagine one of the first things we'll be seeing is a new Starter set (after a 3-book core bundle, of course), followed by an adventure that can take the starter characters into a full campaign.

I believe we'll then see reworking/tweaks of the more popular adventures - Curse of Strahd, Tomb of Annihilation, Tyranny of Dragons to be tweaked for the new rules (mostly the creatures in the back, some slight encounter adjustments and reworked player sections) - but that will be a long-term project.

I very much believe we'll see Forgotten Realms in some form shortly after the new MM. Hopefully covering more than the Sword Coast, but not exceptionally hopeful in that regard.

Personally, I'd like to see another monster or environment book - Rary's Guide to Aberrations comes to mind (pun intended). Covering aboleths, beholders, mind flayers, star spawn and more (maybe oozes, slimes, jellies and fungus too) and psionic options for PCs. And if it has room, giving some coverage to the Far Realm (perhaps pulling some inspiration from the "upside down" of Stranger Things as much as Lovecraft's tales). All told from the perspective of the enemy of Mordenkainen and the eight - Rary the Traitor (whose obviously been redubbed as much as being far-realm psion moreso than a spellcaster)
I'd read the HECK out of an aberration book!! Especially if has more details on aboleths!

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