But, as said earlier, choosing to cast Light or just use Darkvision is a difficult decision, as Light can ruin your chance of sneaking by the enemy or getting a stealth attack, and Darkvision makes it so you can't see color and have a -5 to passive Perception (so enemies are better at stealth attacking you, and you might not be able to tell if the dragon in the next room is Chromatic or Metallic).
And Goodberry takes spell slots.
And there's nothing in 5e that encourages you to ignore ammo. The fact that a lot of people do isn't WotC's or 5e's fault. There's nothing that they could do to force people to keep track of ammo or encumberance.
A lot of the things that you're complaining about 5e don't seem like anything WotC can fix. It seems like they did try to cater a bit to the "back to the dungeon" playstyle you like, but people just don't like that playstyle and ignore the rules associated with it (ammo, equipment and gold weight, darkvision penalties, etc).
WotC can't force people to engage in an unpopular playstyle.