D&D (2024) What creatures from existing sources besides MM, do you want to see updated for MM24?

For me it's the Nymphs of Theros, those fit perfectly in the Feywild, Eberrons Fey Plane (forget the name), natural areas of the Material Plane and Aborea among others. Lampads also fit the Shadowfell and Hades and Tartarus, maybe the rest of the Lower Planes too.

Fallen Idol from Eberron, Battle and Fire Mane Angels from Ravnica, as more long shot the Felidar as Celestials updated, they could fit easily into Great Wheel.

Some of the Eldraine Fey would fit well, but timing makes that unlikely.

Also unlikely Steel Dragon from Undermountain sadly.

Maybe Pari and those Water Fey, I forget their name from Radiant Citadel.

Any others?

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I'd like more "generic" NPCs from various sources (solider, bone knight, etc) added. Never have too many NPCs.

Yeah, more NPCs is great, also more Templates to book, the one thing I liked about the Planescape Beastairy was the traits/templates adding variety to countless combos of monsters with templates. Even though I thought they could gave been spicer with better balance between planes.


Judging by Monsters of the Multiverse, I don't think we are going to see huge changes to any of the MM creatures, so I'm not really worried about anything getting updated; we'll be able to use the current versions just fine. What I would like to see is some new variations on some of these creatures.

Judging by Monsters of the Multiverse, I don't think we are going to see huge changes to any of the MM creatures, so I'm not really worried about anything getting updated; we'll be able to use the current versions just fine. What I would like to see is some new variations on some of these creatures.

I'm not referring to MM14 monsters, I'm referring to what monsters from other sources get updated, like MOoT or GMGtR or E: Rising From The Last War.


For me it's the Nymphs of Theros, those fit perfectly in the Feywild, Eberrons Fey Plane (forget the name), natural areas of the Material Plane and Aborea among others. Lampads also fit the Shadowfell and Hades and Tartarus, maybe the rest of the Lower Planes too.

Fallen Idol from Eberron, Battle and Fire Mane Angels from Ravnica, as more long shot the Felidar as Celestials updated, they could fit easily into Great Wheel.

Some of the Eldraine Fey would fit well, but timing makes that unlikely.

Also unlikely Steel Dragon from Undermountain sadly.

Maybe Pari and those Water Fey, I forget their name from Radiant Citadel.

Any others?
Great list.

I would add Gem Dragons, and my favorite the serpentine, teleport-at-will, Mithral Dragon of the Astral Sea.

For Humanoids:
• there is only one kind of Elf whose individual features are choosable and adaptable
• all of the Theros nymphs, including Naiad, Oread, and arguably Satyr
• Warforged, Autognome or other playable version of a golem (Construct)
• Plasmoid (Ooze)
• Ghost or other Undead (Shadow)
• Wilder or other Plant
• Large character (Giant)
• Dragonborn with serpentine tail or even playable Lindorm with arms but slithering without legs (Dragon)
• Humanoid Elemental, possibly Genasi that are or can become completely elemental fire, earth, air, or water.
• (Ethereal)
• (Astral)
• Ardling didnt make it into the Players Handbook, but merit an MM entry (Celestial)
• Technically, Tabaxi is a kind of Ardling, and Ardling is a kind of Aasimar, but all of these might need clearer reorganization (Celestial)

Great list.

I would add Gem Dragons, and my favorite the serpentine, teleport-at-will, Mithral Dragon of the Astral Sea.

For Humanoids:
• there is only one kind of Elf whose individual features are choosable and adaptable
• all of the Theros nymphs, including Naiad, Oread, and arguably Satyr
• Warforged, Autognome or other playable version of a golem (Construct)
• Plasmoid (Ooze)
• Ghost or other Undead (Shadow)
• Wilder or other Plant
• Large character (Giant)
• Dragonborn with serpentine tail or even playable Lindorm with arms but slithering without legs (Dragon)
• Humanoid Elemental, possibly Genasi that are or can become completely elemental fire, earth, air, or water.
• (Ethereal)
• (Astral)
• Ardling didnt make it into the Players Handbook, but merit an MM entry (Celestial)
• Technically, Tabaxi is a kind of Ardling, and Ardling is a kind of Aasimar, but all of these might need clearer reorganization (Celestial)

Okay, is your list of the Humaniods meant to be playable, like some 3.5e monsters in the MM? And by humaniods to mean the creature type or the basic body shape?

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