D&D 5E What D&D Product Can Be Seen In The Crystals?

WotC has posted an image of a pile of crystals through which distorted glimpses of what looks like a product can be seen. In the comments below, folks have been flipping, enhancing, and generally squinting at the image behind the crystals, and while it's hard to make out, guesses include 'Journey Through the Radiant Ocean' (although I personally think that first letter looks more like an X or...

WotC has posted an image of a pile of crystals through which distorted glimpses of what looks like a product can be seen. In the comments below, folks have been flipping, enhancing, and generally squinting at the image behind the crystals, and while it's hard to make out, guesses include 'Journey Through the Radiant Ocean' (although I personally think that first letter looks more like an X or K than a J). 'Citadel' is also a popular guess for that last word--'Journey(s) to/from the Radiant Citadel'? Take a look and see what you think (or check the comments for flipped and enhanced versions).

Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 6.59.03 PM.png

In Spelljammer lore, the phlogiston--the space between the crystal spheres in which the prime material worlds can be found--is also known as the 'Rainbow Ocean'. And crystal seem on-brand for crystals spheres.

Below the text, the image appears to be of some kind of marketplace. Above it, WotC wrote "Through the depths of the Ethereal Plane is a beacon of possibility and adventure... "

There was apparently a press event today, pending some kind of product announcement on Tuesday.


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Golden Procrastinator
My memory is a bit hazy on all the hints that have been dropped. Is this supposed to be the cameo of an old setting or is that something in the future? Even though the next product is "planar" it looks quite different form Planescape.


I think it's the opposite. Why make a new location that does pretty much the same thing, with the same sort of arrangement as Sigil, and then turned around and publish a new Planescape months later? That doesn't really make sense.
Planescape is more than Sigil, though, and Sigil will likely be different from the Radiant Citadel.

First, Sigil has the factions. The factions do need some work, but I'd bet they could be redone so that their philosophies were all equally interesting and useful to play and were capable of working well in a party with people of other factions. Secondly, Sigil is a place of neutrality, where fiends, celestials, modrons, and slaadi can all live and work together, or at least kill each other for reasons that aren't related to planar politics. What little we know of Radiant Citadel suggests that isn't the case there. [Edited to finish a sentence; I gotta proofread better.]

Secondly, Planescape is, in fact, all of the planes. Now, it could be that they don't publish Planescape but publish a "So-and-so's Manual of the Planes (with Sigil as a chapter in it), which would also be fine. Expand upon each of the planes and the unique conditions therein, include a guide for creating your own planes (for people who don't like the Wheel) and demiplanes, a section on different types of planar adventures in the same way VGR had a section on different types of horror, include a few new races and monsters, and it'd be great.
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Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
Planescape is more than Sigil, though, and Sigil will likely be different from the Radiant Citadel.

First, Sigil has the factions. The factions do need some work, but I'd bet they could be redone so that their philosophies were all equally interesting and useful to play and were capable of working well in a party with people of other factions. Secondly, Sigil is a place of neutrality, where fiends, celestials, modrons, and slaadi can all live and work together, or at least kill each other for reasons that aren't related to planar politics. What little we know of Radiant Citadel

Secondly, Planescape is, in fact, all of the planes. Now, it could be that they don't publish Planescape but publish a "So-and-so's Manual of the Planes (with Sigil as a chapter in it), which would also be fine. Expand upon each of the planes and the unique conditions therein, include a guide for creating your own planes (for people who don't like the Wheel) and demiplanes, a section on different types of planar adventures in the same way VGR had a section on different types of horror, include a few new races and monsters, and it'd be great.

I very much agree that a Planescape book should be about way more than just Sigil. Heck I want material for cities like Dis too!

Planescape is more than Sigil, though, and Sigil will likely be different from the Radiant Citadel.

First, Sigil has the factions. The factions do need some work, but I'd bet they could be redone so that their philosophies were all equally interesting and useful to play and were capable of working well in a party with people of other factions. Secondly, Sigil is a place of neutrality, where fiends, celestials, modrons, and slaadi can all live and work together, or at least kill each other for reasons that aren't related to planar politics. What little we know of Radiant Citadel

Secondly, Planescape is, in fact, all of the planes. Now, it could be that they don't publish Planescape but publish a "So-and-so's Manual of the Planes (with Sigil as a chapter in it), which would also be fine. Expand upon each of the planes and the unique conditions therein, include a guide for creating your own planes (for people who don't like the Wheel) and demiplanes, a section on different types of planar adventures in the same way VGR had a section on different types of horror, include a few new races and monsters, and it'd be great.
That's pretty much exactly what I'd want out of a Planescape setting book.

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