What do you learn from Reincarnation?


Iron Fist of Pelor
If I'm a half-orc, and i get reincarnated as a dwarf, the following things happen:
-2 to str, +2 to con.
-worse movement rate.
-No longer orc for the purposes of magic weapons.

I'm pretty sure the following happens:
-Gain bonuses on saves vs. poison and vs. magic

What about:
-+1 vs. orcs and goblinoids in combat
-+4 dodge vs. giants
-Stonecunning, appraisal bonuses, and craft bonuses?

Strictly reading the spell, it looks to me like I gain all the items in the last list, since they're racial traits. This sounds kind of weird, though: since these are supposedly learned during my upbringing, how do I get these bonuses when I was broughtu p as a halforc? If I became an elf, would I learn to use a bow? If I were originally an elf, would I forget how to use a bow?

Note that I'm basing my questions off of the SRD; my apologies if the question is answered in the PHB.


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Been here a while...
Although this isn't official, I don't know that as a DM I'd give you the stuff in the third category. Those are supposed to be from the special training you get growing up as a dwarf.

I'd say the other items are correct.


Pg. 94 of the PHB, under "Customizing Your Character", addresses the same issue. Although it's not really a rule per se, the suggestion is that if your background is of a dwarf raised away from dwarven culture, you wouldn't get the cultural benefits. Arguably the same should be true for a reincarnated creature. After all, if an orc is reincarnated into a human, you wouldn't gain the bonus feat, or the weapon proficiencies for being reincarnated into an elf, would he?

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