Dragonlance What do you think of the Kender?


Dusty Dragon
Couldn't Taunt negate the Auto-Advantage on attack rolls against a Kender Barbarian using Reckless Attack, while still allowing the Kender Barbarian to have Auto-Advantage attacks against the opponent, who now doesn't have advantage?
no, because taunt imposes disadvantage on attack against other targets, not on the kender. So unless there is a pair of kenders....

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Keep in mind that the Dragonlance books were published at a time when there was a ton of fantasy young adult literature being put out, and almost all of it was just ripping off Tolkien. Every setting had its version of hobbits, elves, orcs, etc. I think everyone was just getting tired of it.


Deluxe Unhuman
Taunt seems like a weird thing for an entire race to have, but [shrugs].

I have almost no exposure to kender, having never read a D&D-branded novel, and I only vaguely remember them from...was it 2nd edition? So, I don't have any investment one way or the other.


I honestly never encountered any complaints about Kender until the internet (and I probably only became aware of the criticism after 2010). It might just have been that the kender worked for the sense of humor in area I lived in. Or maybe we just used them differently. But it never created any bad blood. There were plenty of other types of characters I saw create issues at the table (but those were usually a product of the players gaming style rather than something inherent in the class or race choice they were making).
While the one kender player that played in one of my campaigns was not a problem-causing jerk, I've heard the horror stories from convention-goers since the 90s. So, no, this isn't just an internet thing.

While the one kender player that played in one of my campaigns was not a problem-causing jerk, I've heard the horror stories from convention-goers since the 90s. So, no, this isn't just an internet thing.

I'm not saying it is just an internet thing. I am just saying I never heard about it as an issue locally until I was on the internet. My attitude is I really can only judge based on what works at tables I actually play at. Anything beyond that is possibly going because of other play styles, personalities, etc. I was never one to play kender much myself but as a GM and a player I was a fan of them when someone decided to play one.

While the one kender player that played in one of my campaigns was not a problem-causing jerk, I've heard the horror stories from convention-goers since the 90s. So, no, this isn't just an internet thing.
Jerks are gonna jerk, and con games with strangers where there's no long-term social or in-game consequences for jerkitude offer a perfect opportunity for jerking. I wonder how many of these kender-playing con jerks would have been equally jerkish playing dwarf fighters or whatever, or indeed whether they only played the game at all because they wanted to indulge in jerkhood and playing a kender gave them an excuse.
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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
  • Floating ASIs as normal now, Common plus one lang
Do Kender have their own language? I can't remember.

A weirdly huge number of PC races don't have languages nowadays and not even a suggestion of one. (Surely all the fey races should have Sylvan as a suggestion, as it's the Common of the Feywild, no?)

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