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What do you think when DM introduces old PC as an NPC?

As a player what is your reaction when a DM introduces an NPC that is an old PC?

  • Oh no!! Eeek!!

    Votes: 22 7.3%
  • This can't be good

    Votes: 34 11.3%
  • Sigh...well it might not suck

    Votes: 43 14.2%
  • okay, let's see where he goes with it

    Votes: 145 48.0%
  • if it is his favorite it should be good

    Votes: 13 4.3%
  • Awesome, it must be being introduced for a great reason

    Votes: 45 14.9%


First Post
Does a fromer PC that is now an NPC change the way you look at the character? For instance, if the DM introduces an NPC back on session 5, and around the tenth session you learn it is a former PC does your view on the character change? What about the reverse when the NPC introduced you think is a former PC but learn later on that it is not; does this effect the way you look at the character?

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Crothian said:
Does a fromer PC that is now an NPC change the way you look at the character? For instance, if the DM introduces an NPC back on session 5, and around the tenth session you learn it is a former PC does your view on the character change? What about the reverse when the NPC introduced you think is a former PC but learn later on that it is not; does this effect the way you look at the character?

I don't know...

In my case, I don't know if it will ever happen, as I don't play (so have no PCs to bring in or to have a DM bring in a former PC). If it does ever happen, I will have to evaluate my reaction. Since my only experience was with a "glory hound player as a glory hound DM with his glory hound PC", I will probably be initially skeptical.


First Post
demiurge1138 said:
... So in the right hands, it can work. Otherwise, it can be as bad as any other tool of a poor DM.

Demiurge out.

This is the key point. Using former PCs is just a tool. Former PCs don't kill campaigns, Bad DMs kill campaigns.

I have introduced "favourite" PCs of mine into campaigns before as NPCs and there was, in my opinion, no problem on the side of the players. In fact because I have played many campaigns over the dcades, most players did not recognize them nor were able to sense my playing of them to be any different than any other NPC in my worlds.

The idea that I would use an NPC/former PC to fulfill some petty need when I have worlds to play with is ridiculous. I AM all the NPCs, from beggars to gods and cosmic forces unknown, but first and formost I am the vehicle that helps fulfill the Role Playing fantasies of my players. If they don't feel like the world they are playing in is rich with variety, interesting and captivating; if they don't feel challenged or don't feel everything from victory to loss with the knowledge/trust that it was fairly played then not only have I failed, I've failed to enjoy. So any tools that can help with that I'm all for.
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There are basically two reasons why a DM would introduce one of his own old PC's as an NPC. First, he simply liked the character, the backstory and his exploits as an adventurer and thought he would make a good NPC with that as a basis. Second is that the DM is MORE interested in his old PC than in his current campaign and the PC's that are in it, wanting to see the continuation of his old PC's adventures rather than creating new, interesting adventures for the players. Obviously that second possibility is Not Good. But as a rule it isn't going to matter WHERE an NPC comes from if the DM is truly only using the character as an NPC and not as the abusable DM-PC.

Just wanted to add that one of the highest compliments you can be paid is to have your ideas borrowed. Your former PC is used as an NPC by another DM. Your NPC is made into a PC by a player. Your entire campaign, PC's, NPC's, and everything else is used as the basis of ANOTHER campaign because the borrower enjoyed it so much. So, unless your motivation is personal aggrandizement there's nothing wrong with borrowing your OWN good ideas and re-using them. I've seen players re-use the same PC in several different campaigns - each version being different, yet all effectively the same PC. That's hardly a problem so long as other players aren't put off by it: "You're running Golfboll AGAIN! Geez, try something new for a change will you?"

Old PC's recycled as NPC's can actually provide the side benefit to the DM of being able to enjoy seeing the old PC in a new light. For example a loner, wanderer PC finally settles down and mixes company a little as an NPC. A PC who was embittered at having been driven out of his party is now more philosophical and helpful to THIS party as an NPC. A PC who was always teased for being a goody-two-shoes is now an NPC who is harsh, vengeful, and unyielding.
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First Post
I'm very much in the 'lets see how this goes camp' - it could suck, it could be great, but on the whole I prefer it when its old PCs of other players that are in situations where the characters could interact with them, e.g. 'You enter the throne room of King Sigurd of Trafalgis....' or it's not a way for a DM to run a PC rather than a campaign.


Lurker Extraordinaire
I'm glad to see that, so far. most voters are willing to give the DM the benefit of the doubt.

I have experienced the worst case scenario as a player, when the DM introduced an NPC who was double the level of the PCs, and who "had" to accompany the group on their quest. The game became quite farcical when the NPC would polish off all of the opponents in one or two rounds! What was really silly is that this occured when I was at university, not with a group of 12 year olds!

Still, I think that a DM can use an old PC in a game without causing any problems. I have used this myself, when I started DM'g a 1st level game, I used some high PCs from our previous games to act as mentors to the new PCs. All of the players seemed to enjoy seeing their old character. It added a sense of continuity to the world, in my opinion.

I don't see much of a difference between using an old PC and using any of the "name" NPCs in a setting like the Forgotten Realms. In other words, if your PCs see Elminster or Khelben Blackstaff existing in the world, how bad is it for them to see an old PC? As long as the DM uses the old PC as an NPC not a DM's PC then all should be fine.


First Post
Does it make a difference if the old PC is part of the campaign world you are playin verse a former PC that existed in a different campaign world? And does level matter? Not all former PCs are going to be high level though it does seem that many people are making that assumption.

Plus, I like that this has caused my own players to speculate which of the NPCs I'm using are former PCs or not since they were not involved in my former games. :D


First Post
A good DM playing a well-rounded (N)PC is bound to be interesting, maybe even a lot of fun. If the original player is available, it's nice to check with them and find out if anything you have planned for the (N)PC would be grossly out of character. It can even be a way to keep distant friends involved in your game - an email every so often on their old PCs' actions can give a lot of life to a campaign.

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