What does D&D mean to movie goers?


I could see Vin Diesel inviting them around for an impromptu game!

I'm not sure if that would count as a movie, but I suspect it could be streamed!

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Deluxe Unhuman
It feels like as popular as it is, D&D has a built in huge group of people who will at least look at the previews... and talk it up and see it if it actually looks like a decent movie. And then if it is actually decent and rotten tomatoes agrees with the word of mouth, shouldn't that give it some legs?
One of the marketing things that Marvel Studios relies on and does really well is create buzz that gets the in-the-know fans excited. Dropping some quintessential D&D-isms in a teaser trailer would be a way that this movie could do that. If there's a Beholder in the movie, tease that, for example. Show a wizard casting what could only be Magic Missile. Etcetera.


One of the marketing things that Marvel Studios relies on and does really well is create buzz that gets the in-the-know fans excited. Dropping some quintessential D&D-isms in a teaser trailer would be a way that this movie could do that. If there's a Beholder in the movie, tease that, for example. Show a wizard casting what could only be Magic Missile. Etcetera.
If they try to play into that then I would expect there to be a little "leveling up" at some point. It would be interesting to see how they handle it.


Avengers Endgame came out in 2019. I think we can't really count what few movies came out in 2020, my man.
Marvel is kind of the big exception... Everybody that tried to imitate them has kinda floundered around and gotten, at best, mild success. Marvel has their formula down pat after over a decade of working it out.

no one has come close to that well oiled machine...eacept maybe the Fast franchise and the Mission Impossible franchise?


Definitely both of those. They're easy to ignore if you don't seek them out, but they are almost perfect movies in that they deliver exactly what their audiences are looking for.
Marvel, Fast and M.I. have all been at this for quite a while now... But since Marvel made it big in the late 00's, heck, since Harry Potter and LOTR made it big, there's been a ton of failed franchises. Even then, LOTR and HP both tried to create another successfuly set of movies and pretty much failed their fans... and we shall not mention the other 'Star' franchise other than to say they also stumbled when trying to leverage their brand into a sucessful run of movies.

I have a hard time trusting Hollywood, who gave us five frickin' Michael Bay Transformers movie, when it comes to adapting IPs.

I'm hoping for something that can AT LEAST be as competant as Sonic the Hedgehog.

Aging Bard

There already exists a great D&D movie, It's not a great movie (far from it), but it hits every required beat for a D&D movie.

It brings a party together. It has recognizable classes: 2 barbarians, a fighter, a thief, a magic-user (perhaps even a wu jen), and a patron assigning a magical NPC to guide the party. There is a hexcrawl, city crawl, two dungeon crawls, and a fantastic finale where everything is upended. Magic items must be found and retrieved. The fate of the world is in the balance! Seriously, a picture perfect D&D one shot.

And what is this movie? Conan the Destroyer, the clearly inferior sequel to Conan the Barbarian, but absolutely the better D&D movie.


There already exists a great D&D movie, It's not a great movie (far from it), but it hits every required beat for a D&D movie.

It brings a party together. It has recognizable classes: 2 barbarians, a fighter, a thief, a magic-user (perhaps even a wu jen), and a patron assigning a magical NPC to guide the party. There is a hexcrawl, city crawl, two dungeon crawls, and a fantastic finale where everything is upended. Magic items must be found and retrieved. The fate of the world is in the balance! Seriously, a picture perfect D&D one shot.

And what is this movie? Conan the Destroyer, the clearly inferior sequel to Conan the Barbarian, but absolutely the better D&D movie.
The "Mythica" series does that and even adds in the tavern. It's indie budget though.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
There already exists a great D&D movie, It's not a great movie (far from it), but it hits every required beat for a D&D movie.

It brings a party together. It has recognizable classes: 2 barbarians, a fighter, a thief, a magic-user (perhaps even a wu jen), and a patron assigning a magical NPC to guide the party. There is a hexcrawl, city crawl, two dungeon crawls, and a fantastic finale where everything is upended. Magic items must be found and retrieved. The fate of the world is in the balance! Seriously, a picture perfect D&D one shot.

And what is this movie? Conan the Destroyer, the clearly inferior sequel to Conan the Barbarian, but absolutely the better D&D movie.
I see you and raise you Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which has a magical sword and a great barroom brawl.

Voidrunner's Codex

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