What does D&D mean to movie goers?

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In this case, quite possibly you start not based on "D&D", but on the cast name recognition.

Chris Pine - Wonder Woman and Star Trek
Michelle Rodriquez - Fast & Furious movies
Sophia Lillis - It
Regé-Jean Page - Bridgerton
Hugh Grant - too many things to list

The film is loaded with names the target audiences are going to recognize. Get people in the seats to see the actors, and if the film uses their talents, it'll be viewed positively.

Chris Pine often makes lists of over rated/paid movie stars.

I think if you leave out a couple of his movies most of them make little money.

Essentially people went to see Trek because it's trek not because it's Chris Pine in it.

He's not really an anchor type actor unlike say The Rock who can do any crap movie and it will make hundreds of millions.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Chris Pine often makes lists of over rated/paid movie stars.

So does every highly-paid actor, I expect.

I think if you leave out a couple of his movies most of them make little money.

Yes, well, if you only allow data that supports your conclusion, then you'll feel your conclusion is supported. But cherry picking doesn't make a convincing argument.

Essentially people went to see Trek because it's trek not because it's Chris Pine in it.

Sure. But then, you also missed the point.

He's not really an anchor type actor unlike say The Rock who can do any crap movie and it will make hundreds of millions.

Nope. But then, I didn't say he was, so this is arguing against a strawman.


It feels like as popular as it is, D&D has a built in huge group of people who will at least look at the previews... and talk it up and see it if it actually looks like a decent movie. And then if it is actually decent and rotten tomatoes agrees with the word of mouth, shouldn't that give it some legs?


So does every highly-paid actor, I expect.

Yes, well, if you only allow data that supports your conclusion, then you'll feel your conclusion is supported. But cherry picking doesn't make a convincing argument.

Sure. But then, you also missed the point.

Nope. But then, I didn't say he was, so this is arguing against a strawman.

You were the one name dropping these actors.

None of them have been in big movies under there own star power.

Hugh Grant maybe in the 90's. That was over 20 years ago.

The D&D name I highly doubt can carry a movie by itself, it can't carry a video game.

So what are we left with? Probably a generic fantasy film that may or may not be good?


And since then?
In recent times they have grown somewhat unable to recognise decent writing and seemed more intent on something that really isn't profitable.
But yes mildly surprised, I'd be happy if they didn't have that particular problem.

Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
They could get Vin Diesel, and drop hints it's in the Fast and Furious universe.

"It's all about family!"

"Yeah, but these guys are more like the Do'Urdens."

After they win they sit down for a game. If it does well the next Fast and Furious movie will have them playing D&D while driving.

Voidrunner's Codex

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