D&D 5E What fighting styles would you add?

I think 5E's fighting styles should sit adjacent and complement feats. Styles and Stances should be the Schools of Magic of the martials, and combat feats/maneuvers the spells themselves, and designed thusly. A feat that grants you a fighting style should give you the same looks as if you made a Necromancer feat that gave your spellcaster access to the spells from the school of Necromancy.
Level Up already has something like this for it's martial classes via it's Combat Traditions. :)

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shiver - I don't think I'd go that far, but I would not be against the likes of 300's heroic's and I'm a sucker for Cu Cuchilain (as stuff to include for 11+ level).
level 11 IMHO should be last level to include something "new" into the class.
everything after that should just be improvement of the existing features and more usages of the same.

level 11 IMHO should be last level to include something "new" into the class.
everything after that should just be improvement of the existing features and more usages of the same.
Sorry, there was meant to be a comma/break there. I meant Cu Cuchilain Warp Frenzy style antics (i.e., incorporating obvious supernatural elements) at 11th+ level. The 300 stuff covering 1st-10th level stuff.

To me, 5E martials don't even meet Olympic-level athlete standards - and they definitely should be exceeding those standards by 8th level or later. But I'd rather not see "magic" (such as Fire Cinder Sweep) in the Fighter's repertoire until 11th+ level or later (if at all), and I have no more an issue delaying that sort of thing than I do putting limits on actual spells of 6th+ level.

Sorry, there was meant to be a comma/break there. I meant Cu Cuchilain Warp Frenzy style antics (i.e., incorporating obvious supernatural elements) at 11th+ level. The 300 stuff covering 1st-10th level stuff.

To me, 5E martials don't even meet Olympic-level athlete standards - and they definitely should be exceeding those standards by 8th level or later. But I'd rather not see "magic" (such as Fire Cinder Sweep) in the Fighter's repertoire until 11th+ level or later (if at all), and I have no more an issue delaying that sort of thing than I do putting limits on actual spells of 6th+ level.
maybe all classes should just advance to lvl10 and have their capstone there.
then after you just get feats that are open to most with some prerequirements may apply.
No HPs added, unless you take feat, IE gain +25HP or something.

maybe all classes should just advance to lvl10 and have their capstone there.
then after you just get feats that are open to most with some prerequirements may apply.
No HPs added, unless you take feat, IE gain +25HP or something.
I would not be against that, after 3E I gave up playing the higher levels and would just need some of the higher level spells/stuff for NPC villains.

Well, remember that each round is events over several seconds. It's not a blow by blow (even though I've seen a lot of tables treat it as such). There could be ongoing swaps between favoring the shield to block some blow then adjusting your grip to counterstrike. There are even some non-European shields that employ a bracer or half-glove apparel to allow freedom for the hand (and, as always, fantasy versions to boot).

As an aside, I use multiple shield types in my own game (bucker is +1 AC, round is +2 AC, kite is +3 AC, tower is cover). I'd like to do bracers (without them having to be bracers of defense) as well, but haven't really thought out a system for them.
True, which is why I think a shield used in such a fashion would likely grant a +1 AC bonus, a kin to active use of a buckler.

LOL we have the same rules for shields!

Light (buckler) +1
Medium (heater, round) +2
Heavy (kite, large round) +3
Tower (3/4-cover)

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