D&D 5E What fighting styles would you add?


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
This is pure creative outlet, what fighting styles would you add to 5e? or how would you change an existing one to improve it, I have a particular curiosity for styles not explicitly designed for the ‘standard fighter archetype’ as that’s what most of the existing ones seem to be for, what fighting styles would a monk, barb or rogue have? whatever you think of.

here are some i came up with:
Backstabber: all your weapon attacks gain 2d6 sneak attack damage when they hit if they qualify for it (finesse or ranged weapon, with advantage). (this is not limited to once per turn)

Unarmed Fighter(altered): your unarmed attacks deal 1d6+STR damage (1d8 if 2-H) if you already have an improved unarmed attack or natural weapon the damage dealt by them is increased by 1 die size

Arcane/Sorcerous/Bardic Warrior: you learn two cantrips from the wizard/sorcerer/bard spell list, they use your INT/CHA/CHA modifier

Skirmisher: if you end your turn next to an enemy after using a melee attack against them and zero movement you may use your reaction to disengage and move up to 10ft away.

Lucky Striker: your weapon and unarmed attacks crit on a 19, if you already have an increased crit range it increases by 1 instead.

Weapon Thrower: you treat any non-heavy melee weapon as having the thrown property with a range of (20/60), any weapon you use that already has the thrown property has it's maximum range treated as it's normal range.
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Dusty Dragon
One fighting style - there has been one, probably more, thread about this already - that is missing is the "light two handed weapon" fighting style. Not swinging around a massive axe or zweihander, rather something a lot faster and reactive - think a quarterstaff, a longsword, a katana (all of these were wielded mostly with 2 hands, historically speaking).

I don't remember anyone finding a "satisfactory" answer to what the mechanics of this would be, alas.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
One fighting style - there has been one, probably more, thread about this already - that is missing is the "light two handed weapon" fighting style. Not swinging around a massive axe or zweihander, rather something a lot faster and reactive - think a quarterstaff, a longsword, a katana (all of these were wielded mostly with 2 hands, historically speaking).

I don't remember anyone finding a "satisfactory" answer to what the mechanics of this would be, alas.
what kind of direction are you thinking/expecting? something defensive? something for accuracy? or maybe a reaction based ability?
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Entropic Good
Animal Companion Fighting style: Your weapon attacks against creatures adjacent to at least one of you animal companions, familiars, or summons (etc.) get +2 damage. Attacks made by your animal companions, familiars, or summons (etc) get +1 attack against creatures adjacent to you.


These are the ones I've been working on.

Armored: When wearing medium or heavy armor, as a reaction you gain damage resistance to bludgeoning, piercing or slashing weapons against an attack that hit you. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses after a short or long rest.

Brawler: Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage and are considered light and finesse weapons.

Grappler: When you start a grapple, you deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to the target. Each round you maintain the
grapple, as a bonus action you automatically deal damage equal to your proficiency modifier on the start of your turn.

Light Weapon Fighting: When using a weapon with the Light property, increase the damage die by one step, d4 –> d6 –> d8 –> d10 –> d12/2d6 –> 2d8.

Mobility: When unarmored or wearing armor that does not give you disadvantage to Stealth, you increase your speed by 5 feet, and non-magical difficult terrain does not slow you down.

Mounted: When you are mounted and your mount moves at least 20 feet and you hit with your first weapon attack, it is
treated as a critical hit. While aback a trained mount, you treat it as an independent mount, allowing it to move and fight as you desire. However, unlike a normal independent mount, it acts on your initiative.

Unarmored Defense: When wearing no armor and not using a shield, you add your Intelligence modifier to your AC (minimum 1).

Weapon Master: Choose one weapon. When attacking with the weapon, you gain an additional bonus to hit equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) and deal extra damage equal to your Proficiency bonus.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
I'd add advanced versions of each fighting style, so that anyone who got a second fighting style could upgrade their current style instead.
a good idea but that's something i'd rather just happened naturally if it were implemented, just like how cantrips gain improvements at set character levels


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Versatile Fighting Style.
While wielding a Versatile weapon in one hand, with no off-hand weapon you gain the benefits of the Duelist fighting style.
When wielding a Versatile weapon with both hands you gain the benefits of the Great Weapon fighting style.
When wielding a Versatile weapon with one hand and holding a light weapon in your offhand you gain the benefits of the Two Weapon fighting style.

Why yes, that is three fighting styles from one choice.

But they all require you to use a versatile weapon rather than any weapon that would normally fit that fighting style, limiting your weapon choices drastically, but dramatically increases -how- you use them.


I think Backstabber is too strong. Should probably be just 1d6, maybe go up to 2d6 at 10th/11th level (especially since Rogue could dip into this and effectively get 4 levels worth of Sneak attack bonus). And it should remain limited to 1x/turn.

Also, I think a Divine Warrior/Primal Warrior would be a good complement to Arcane Warrior.

Finally, on Skirmisher I think I'd make it that if an attacker misses the character, they can use their reaction to move half their speed without provoking an attack of oppotunity.
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