What Future RPG System do you play?

What Future RPG System Do You Play?

  • d20 Future

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Traveller

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Savage Worlds

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • FATE

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Mutants and Masterminds/True20

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Spycraft

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • WEG d6

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Fantasy/Modern system modified for Scifi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 40.0%


Good day all,

For those that don't know me, I run a Traveller and Pathfinder Compatible publishing company called Jon Brazer Enterprises. We're thinking of expanding into a new system for future based games. We would like to know ... what do you play?

I'm mostly interested in OGL/easily licensable systems. Please vote for those you play and please share what you like most about the system. Sell me on it. If the option is not there, please post it.

Thank you in advance
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I love to play Star Frontiers, unfortunately I don't see anything that would sell you on it, as I don't think that many people are actually playing it anymore.

In that light we do play D20 Star Frontiers (via D20 Future/Star Law) as well, but I still don't think enough people play it to really be all that viable.

If I had to do an RPG of choice to even try to make money off of with a futuristic game...I'd do the Star Wars Saga as that seems the biggest fish on the pond right now. That may be hard to do however.

I hear good things about Eclipse: Phase, though I haven't tried it myself.


First Post
Traveller is far and away my primary Sci Fi RPG, but I also use the FATE system of Starblazers, and I have played CORTEX and Eclipse Phase extensively this year.


If I had to do an RPG of choice to even try to make money off of with a futuristic game...I'd do the Star Wars Saga as that seems the biggest fish on the pond right now. That may be hard to do however.

I hear good things about Eclipse: Phase, though I haven't tried it myself.

The problem with SWSE and Eclipse Phase is that AFAIK they were never licensed systems. Sure SWSE is just a heavily modified d20 Future. But to do something that level of modified would require a print run of a core system book and I'm trying to avoid that right now. EP doesn't have a licensable system, so they're out as well.


First Post
I personnally have been playing D20 Future (namely Dawning Star), Star Wars Saga Edition, and the 40K RPG series (Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, and Deathwatch.)

A good system I have played before is Dream Pod 9's Silcor system which seemed pretty elegant.

I have also looked through T20, but I think that is a dead system now.



First Post
The problem with SWSE and Eclipse Phase is that AFAIK they were never licensed systems. Sure SWSE is just a heavily modified d20 Future. But to do something that level of modified would require a print run of a core system book and I'm trying to avoid that right now. EP doesn't have a licensable system, so they're out as well.

Eclipse Phase is under the Creative Commons license, which is why you can get the PDF for free, legally. It has a little comment about doing derivatives of the work under the license, but those seem to only be allowable under non commercial circumstances. Have you contacted the creators to see what terms they would give for you to do your own thing?


Eclipse Phase is under the Creative Commons license,

Specifically, its on the non-commercial, share-a-like license. That would indicate to me that they are not interested in other companies producing material for their system and making a profit.

Have you contacted the creators to see what terms they would give for you to do your own thing?

Truth be told, no. At this point, I'm not really interested in going to someone else and asking permission about what I can and cannot publish. Doesn't mean I won't do it, just means I am not thrilled about doing it.


Mostly Alternity, while of open systems, I'd be most interested in supplements for Mongoose Traveller. Again, that probably doesn't help you.

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