D&D (2024) What innovative elements from Baldur's Gate 3 would you like to see implimented in 2024 D&D?


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
There's also a sense of feel-bad that I think is much greater with healing than with damage dealing. I don't know why but to me it always feels bad to roll low on HP when you heal or drink a potion or whatever... It feels much worse than when you roll low when dealing damage.
if there was a feat that maximised your healing, similar to the warlock invocation 'green lord's gift', be it through resting, potions, spellcasting or any other mechanic, how often do you think people would take it? similarly what if there was a feat that maximised your healing on others (or exclusively on your healing spells so it included yourself) how valuable would it be considered? i'm aware that healing is currently anemic and whack-a-mole healing is the norm in 5e, would these feats significantly change that do you think?

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if there was a feat that maximised your healing, similar to the warlock invocation 'green lord's gift', be it through resting, potions, spellcasting or any other mechanic, how often do you think people would take it? similarly what if there was a feat that maximised your healing on others (or exclusively on your healing spells so it included yourself) how valuable would it be considered? i'm aware that healing is currently anemic and whack-a-mole healing is the norm in 5e, would these feats significantly change that do you think?
I don't think it would be worth it. Healing is very rare and of low-impact in general. There'd be a huge opportunity cost to picking that feat over something that is more useful.


If this was published in a TTRPG product everybody would be rolling their eyes and adding them to the list of books we don’t go near. Frankly I don’t know how they got WotC to sign off on it.

No, not everybody. That would however be the narrative on social media.

Meanwhile, in reality. Must play, rated M, D&D experience.



It is absolutely okay to say that you don't want to play or your kids to play a game with whatever depictions of sex or violence your deem inappropriate.

Saying that game shouldn't exist is just another form of book banning and is morally unjustifiable.
Who’s saying the game shouldn’t exist? I’m saying that 95% of the game is amazing and I’d just be a lot happier if I could enjoy it without dialogues continually flirting with my PC. Like many people, I find imaginary pseudo romances weird and distracting and while I don’t mind the odd one in games, bG3 has dialed it up to 250% and then applied to soooooo many NPCs.

It would have been better to have a few characters for which that can progress rather than seemingly making it a core design goal for the game to have everyone want to bump uglies. What kind of team has every single person trying to bang their boss?

The problem is a social meter which has ‘leave the party’ when it drops too low and ‘sexual relationship’ when it gets high… as if they are the only two scales and the end goal of every companion. In the original BGs you had to really work to maintain the relationships in the game and progressing one shut down others… you know, like it of course would.

That’s not censorship. I paid my £50 like everyone else did and I’m allowed to complain where I think they got the balance wrong. I just think it’s a shame and could have been done better.

… apart from the bear… the bear sex is just totally f’d up on so many levels.
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It is NOT sex with a bear, as has been pointed out many times.

It really is.

If it looks like a bear, and moves like a bear, for all reasons that count it’s a bear.

Similarly any player who told me they were getting it on with their Awakened animal companion, or
Paladin mount would also be getting a polite but firm disinvite to the game… and if probably be discretely blocking their number and emails.

To be honest even knowing that Halsin got his kicks that way ruined the character interactions for me. I’d rather have Volo hammer chisels in my eye socket than hang around with that dude.
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It really is.

If it looks like a bear, and moves like a bear, for all reasons that count it’s a bear.

Similarly any player who told me they were getting it on with their Awakened animal companion, or
Paladin mount would also be getting a polite but firm disinvite to the game… and if probably be discretely blocking their number and emails.

That's not what I think was meant, they tease bear sex, but they don't show it, they show a shocked squirrell dropping it nuts instead. It's all done for humour.

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