Spelljammer What is important to you about Spelljammer

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I'm in the camp that I don't much care about the setting. I would also toss half of it.

To me, astral and space are the same. Spelljammer is D&D in space.

The ships are my favorite part. The various helms I can do without.

It's all about the ships for me.

If you want bionoids in Spelljammer then you have to say Hasbro could sell toys based in these.

And the dragons from the monster manual should come back: sun, radiant, moon, stelar and company. But I guess then we should see also their dragonborn versions.


This. :p

I want Spelljammer, not some bastardization of it. The one exception is that I wouldn't mind the addition of ships that travel the planes as well as all the rest. That would be an expansion of Spelljammer to me. Spelljammer+ is okay. Spelljammer- is not.
Yep, this. There are various changes I make for my own use, but just as I'm not interested in seeing someone else's vision of the setting, neither would I want to impose my take on anyone else. It should be presented as-is.

Also, given the mess WotC made of Ravenloft, I'm frankly not at all interested in any attempt they make to 'reimagine' the setting.


Book-Friend, he/him
This. :p

I want Spelljammer, not some bastardization of it. The one exception is that I wouldn't mind the addition of ships that travel the planes as well as all the rest. That would be an expansion of Spelljammer to me. Spelljammer+ is okay. Spelljammer- is not.
Yeah, one of the real advantages Spelljammer has here is that the original material left a lot of room, so it's possible to keep all the core parts while expanding and retooling as needed.


I did open a thread about SJ on rpg.net.

I stole a lot of stuff about the aether from Tales of Arcana which talks about aether streams and flow. But I also have for more advanced species, they can use the astral plane to travel which is a lot faster.

Blackstorm Realms is out soon, which looks like SJ with the numbers filed off...but I could be wrong on this. in my SJ setting, some spheres will follow different physical and metaphysical rules. Tales of Arcana also talks about the mortal realms, such that they can have their own afterlives. This led me to Eren Chromicles - Godslayer. Such that each sphere has its own Empyreans (gods),which live in pocket dimensions. This resulted in me tossing standard DnD cosmology straight out of the window - such that Midgard could be its own sphere, with its own World Tree.

The issue I had with the original Spelljammer is it didn't feel like it hung well with established D&D settings. I felt that the author was to tied into parodying medieval ideas about space that they didn't think enough about "how is this D&D?" or "how does this work for people who don't know much about medieval science?"

I think there is a lot of room to improve on the original.


Remove gunpowder and make all weapons totally alchemical, or artificer based. So instead of shooting a musket ball it shoots a ball containing flame, or an artificer lightning gun (similar to Shaintar). Lots of scope with this to be honest.

Voidrunner's Codex

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