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What is THE iconic Gnome Class?

What is the iconic Gnome Class?


First Post
For me the iconic class for the gnome was the _ multiclassed _ Illusionist, especially the fighter/illusionist. The gnome leaders were often fighter/illusionists back in 1e. I remember particularly well an illustration of a fighter/illusionist done in module S4 (by Easley?) who was the leader of the particular gnome clan. He was portrayed as a gnarled, very wise, thinking sort.

I think most anyone who played a gnome in 1e did it in this style too ... a multiclassed character with an illusionist (I had a cleric/illusionist, for example). I knew many who did the illusionist/thief combo, of course, but I always thought the fighter/illusionist to be a combo that no other race could really "nail down" like the gnome - even more so than elves, who were somehow more masters of the "deep and ancient arcane" to my mind.

I can easily see the mixture of the druid with their race, though, for 3e purposes. Still, the image of the fighter/illusionist remains for me as the defining reference point for the gnomes.

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Rock gnome artificer
Forest gnome druid
Deep gnome rogue

I've had a problem trying to determine where the rock gnome fits into things. Artificer, beguiler, or illusionist. I'd never think of the bard.


First Post
I said artificer because I've been brainwashed by all the tinker/inventor gnome stuff, but now I am changing my mind to druid. I like earthy crunchy dirty gnomes who live in the hills and talk with animals and are in touch with nature.


First Post
If I recall from way back when (1E) when multiclassing was extremely restrictive. Gnomes were given the only multiclass option where they can use a specialtist wizard class. This was before dragonlance gave the gnomes the inventive/mad scientist streak.

As far as the Iconic Gnome class goes It was orgionally: Illusionist/Thief

For the more modern version if you wanna keep the feel, you could work on a: Illusionist/Rogue/Artificer


Knight of Solamnia
Shade said:
Tinker, and I don't feel that artificer really captures that well.

I don't think Eberron's artificer does. In Magic of Faerun, there's a gnome artificer prestige class that I think works nicely for the tinker gnome concept. Prior to Sovereign Press gaining the Dragonlance license, the Dragonlance Nexus was considering using it as a model for the 3e tinker gnome.

There is a master base class in War of the Lance as well as a gnomish tinker prestige class that capture the flavor of the tinker gnome quite well. :)


A suffusion of yellow
Heres My write up. IMHO Gnomes are the playable Fey race, mischievious and semi-magical embodiments of nature who have chosen a a simple mundane existance

Gnomes are diminutive humanoids standing around 9 to 24 inches tall.
Gnomes have large noses and sharp eyes, they are also slightly hairier than the average human, and are proportionally stockier giving them a ‘plump look’. Gnomes do acute hearing and an exceptional sense of smell, and even in complete darkness are able to find their way by smell alone. They are intelligent and very quick moving with exceptional agility. For their size they are also very strong. Gnomes are often described as cousins to dwarves however this is erroneous as gnome have more in common with Pixie and Faery than with the much larger dwarf race.
Gnomes are found in a variety of habitats including mountains, hills and forest, and even within the walls and floor of houses. In all these settings they maintain a semi-subterranean lifestyle usually by constructing burrows or large 'mounds'. As burrowers gnomes have an affinity for burrowing animals and some may even have an emphatic link and the ability to communicate with the animals around them. Legends persist about great underground cities but have been so difficult to locate that most scholars dismiss them as myth and folklore.
Gnomes are intelligent and famed for their inventiveness and mechanical skills. They are well known for 'tinkering' and developing various innovative machines and devices both large scale constructions and small household tools.. Gnomes are friendly and curious and so often take an interest in others, however they do take offense seriously and hold a grudge for a very long time.

Gnomes mature in three stages which are linked to environmental factors. It is not entirely possible to emphatically determine the length of gnome lifespan, except to say that it is long. Gnomes average at around 300 years, but this may be longer or shorter depending on the rate of maturity. One legend does state that when a gnome becomes 'old' it is absorbed into the ground and reborn, however no evidence of this exist.
The three stages of gnome maturation are Juvenile, Youth-Adult and Mature Adult.
Juveniles are aged from birth to 12 years HE (Human Equivalent), they are covered in a coat of soft hair and have no visible gentialia. Juvenile gnomes mature at the same rate as other races. Juveniles are greatly cherished and indulged by their clan.
Youth-Adults age from 12 years on and the vast majority of gnomes fall into this range. Adult gnomes lose most of their body hair and also develop genital protrusions. Practically all gnomes are considered male although this is a misnomer as sexual dimorphism is not evident at until full maturity. Nonetheless some youthful ‘females’ have been noted but are rare and greatly prized by their clans. An unusual fact of Gnome physiology is that this immature adult state is not linked to age and gnomes can remain 'youthful' indefinitely (hence the above stated confusion with gnome age).
Mature Adults. At some point however gnomes do age and reach full maturity. However this has more to do with environmental factors rather than to time. During this Mature stage most gnomes develop beards and male genitalia, while a few begin to develop female characteristics, including development of the mammary glands and the ability to reproduce.
This mature female is known as the 'Ama' (Mother) and with her primary male mate is usually the head of a given clan. Besides the Primary mate the Ama may have many other mates. All other members of her clan are mostly likely to be her own children.

Gnomes have an uncertain origin and their own legends claim that they 'Emerged' from the 'Rock', leading some theorists to propose that Gnome are in fact elemental in nature (if they are they show no outward sign of it). Gnomes appear infrequently in history and this is largely how gnomes like it. They acknowledge that other civilisations have been established around them, but only recognise them when it suits their needs. Otherwise the average gnome and gnome clan just wants to be left to do its 'own thing' without interference from 'big-nobs'. Gnomes dwell in clans of around 100 members, although they may appear singularly or in huge 'Swarms' of up to 1000 members from related clans.
Although able to hold its own, a lone gnome is, due to its size, vulnerable. However in a clan and indeed in a swarm Gnomes act with incredible coordination and are truly formidable. Many legends of gnome team work and innovation are known, and many archaic monoliths and standing stones are attributed to the coordination and efforts of Gnomes. Indeed on a number of occasions Gnomes have been observed using teamwork and creative thinking to lift and move huge loads by hand (on average 100 Gnomes can collectively lift a ton).
Gnomes have knack for magic and are skilled artisans. They are known for their quick minds and business savvy. Due to limitations of size gnomes are of course generally ineffective as warriors (Warrior Clans and Brownie Fian not withstanding), however the Gnomes do make exceptional scouts and spies (and thieves if you want to steal small things).

Gnome Religion
Taken from a lecture by Orbril the Gnome, Master of the Circus Maximus.
I have been asked to expand on the issue of Gnome Religious Beliefs and am delighted to do so.
First let me state that Gnomes are a very pious people, but like most of what they do, they make no 'big show' of their piety and much of gnome belief must be gleaned by observing their simpler behaviours.

Most gnome belief is not specific and more a general attitude of piety. Gnomes believe that 'The Land Provides' everything we need to survive, and that it will even reshape itself to meet our needs. As such gnomes live simple and uncomplicated lives harvesting what they need and helping where they can. They may also seem uncannily lucky as things simply 'fall into place'.
When gnomes make a major harvest (like the Autumn Berry harvest) they will leave a small polished stone beneath the brambles as a token of thanks, they will do the same when catching fish, leaving the stones in the water - it is believed that taking these stones will bring misfortune. (Which if it has been left by a Brownie or Boggan will usually be at their hands!)

Types of Gnomes
Common Gnome: Common Gnomes are usually found in hill and forests areas where they dwell in carefully crafted mound-burrows. Some common gnomes (known as Borrowers) have also moved into the houses of other humanoids where they live within the walls and floors of large buildings, or in the barns of farm houses. Common gnomes, being more settled than the other types, are the ones best known for their tinkering and craftsmanship. They have more contact with urban centers and other races and are well represented in trade and other commercial enterprise. Many are also considered pious and religious and Gnome monks are not uncommon.
Brownies: Slightly hairier but otherwise identical to the common gnome, Brownies have a more primitive lifestyle than other types. They dwell in mountain and moorland areas where their coarser hair helps to insulate their bodies. Brownie are sometimes called Blue-skin gnomes due to the allied practice of tattooing the bodies with intricate whorls and circles, and of smearing themselves with blue woad. Brownie are considerable more feisty and warlike than other gnomes, and often engage in great inter clan feuds (rarely fatal). They are also known to regularly steal cattle and other livestock (it is considered a sport), and may even help passing strangers who are in trouble. They do however keep grudges and will hunt down and punish anyone who wrongs them. Certain Brownies (called the Fian) have the ability to enter a warp-spasm (similar to a beserker rage) which boost their strength and stamina to incredible levels, and one legend even tells of the Fian warrior (Cal Khalon) single-handedly defeating three trolls while in a Spasm. Although if this is just a legend or true none will say. Brownies are now very rare as most have been absorbed into more civilised gnome clans.
Korrigan: A special class of gnome with particular penchant for illusion and magic. Korrigan are both greedy and naturally reclusive, and many Boggarts come from this type. Korrigan are also unusual due to their ability to increase their size for short periods, and they have been known to grow to 10 feet tall in order to complete a particular task before reverting back to their natural size. Korrigan have been known to help others but will usually extract a payment before doing so (the most famous Korrigan was of course Rumpelstilskin).
Boggart and Boggan: Not distinct cultures but particular lifestyles within other gnomish groups these two types deserve special mention for their prevalence and social standing.
Boggarts are old mature males who have rejected clan life and become recluses. Many Boggarts take up residents in mineshafts and caves (possibly why gnomes are associated with dwarves), while others become wandering hermits. Boggarts are characterized in gnome circles as 'grumpy old men' who spurn all company. It is reputed that Boggarts have the ability to sniff out gems and precious metals by scent alone, but this also is the subject of much debate amongst racial scholars. As it has not been conclusively proven, most Boggarts will attempt to confuse and lose those they are leading or lead them into quicksand or over the edge of cliffs
Boggan is the gnomish word for 'Bogeyman' and refers to any gnome of evil character, such as the infamous McBean clan of Brownie cannibals. Boggans are usually ostracized and exiled from gnome society, but still harass gnomes from the fringes. Boggan may seek company with Dark Faery and are also known to take pleasure in terrorizing the homes of other humanoids.

Voidrunner's Codex

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