True words, though I was certainly upset about Gygax being pushed out. I grew up on Marvel comics and Stan's soapbox, so I was perfectly primed for St. Gary's essays and observations delivered throughout the AD&D books, and especially Dragon magazine, which I read and re-read voraciously. Not that I always agreed with him - I'm a liberal Canadian at heart - but I believed in him, if you get my drift. So the idea of TSR without Gygax personally offended me at an almost visceral level.
It's funny, but older I get the more open-minded I am becoming. I think it's because I have just been wrong so many times, that I have finally learned a tiny bit of humility. Reading Game Wizards (5/5, hugely recommend) really made me reassess a lot of my ideas about what TSR was. I've gone from idolizing Gygax as a teen, to kind of vilifying him when some of the less savoury stuff about him came out, to seeing all those guys as just people, warts and all, who still gave us something great, and for which I am thankful.
I feel the same way about the folks working at WotC now, and about everyone else working on these games that we love. Morris, and the other folks behind this site. All of you (even the ones I have on ignore for both of our sakes). Gratitude. So I am optimistic about OneD&D, and about the wider proliferation of RPGs. I think these kinds of games are a net good, and the reason we argue about them so passionately is that we all love them so much.
Right now, I feel particularly thankful for Snarf. I stated it before, but this is 5 star writing that I would pay for, and you give it to us for free.