D&D 5E What map of Faerun can I use for DM Guild?


Something released under a CC-ShareAlike license would not be usable in the DM's Guild, because then the work would have to be released under the same license and the two are incompatible. It's basically the same problem as using Open Content in the DM's Guild.

Similarly, you wouldn't be able to use a non-commercial CC, because the DM's Guild is commercial, or a non-derivative CC because your work is derivative. So the only CC license that would apply is the basic CC-BY.

Also, that particular map is released under the GNU Free Documentation License, which is not the same thing as Creative Commons (though it's similar to CC-BY-SA).

Interesting. Do you know anything about that Zakhara map's author?

I just saw his username (or the username of the one who posted it to the wiki, but no contact info). And when I clicked the GNU Free Documentation License link it took me to a CC-BY-SA page!

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So I've got some images that are CC-BY-SA and some that are just CC-BY. The use of the latter in DM Guild seems fine, that BY-SA not so much. What a pain in the ass.


Interesting. Do you know anything about that Zakhara map's author?

Nope, I have no idea who it is. I just noted what the page said. The link goes to a page that redirects to another page - I'm guessing Wikia at some point changed their default licenses from GNU FDL to CC-BY-SA, and that one was still under the old one. I had to google the FDL.


Nope, I have no idea who it is. I just noted what the page said. The link goes to a page that redirects to another page - I'm guessing Wikia at some point changed their default licenses from GNU FDL to CC-BY-SA, and that one was still under the old one. I had to google the FDL.

That makes sense. Thank you :) I read over the GNU -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.html -- and it appears to have the same Share Alike issue that CC-BY-SA has, in other words a copy of the GNU must be included in the document.

I'm going to contact the FR wiki to see if anyone can put me in touch with the cartographer and ask for permission directly.

bristolscale7 said:
So I've got some images that are CC-BY-SA and some that are just CC-BY. The use of the latter in DM Guild seems fine, that BY-SA not so much. What a pain in the ass.

Share Alike is actually awesome. The issue is that it conflicts with the WotC copyright that must be included in DM's Guild products. On the plus side, they've mentioned that their legal parameters around art need to be modified...I think that was in the context of protecting artists so their works couldn't be used by anyone who happened to see their picture in one DM's Guild product...however some sort of provision to include CC-BY-SA would make a lot of sense. I've seen very few artists releasing stuff as purely CC-BY recently...most of it is CC-BY-SA.
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This replies have been very informative. Unfortunately I still dont' have a map of the Forgotten Realms to use in DM Guild submissions. I hope Wizards remedies this ASAP.


This replies have been very informative. Unfortunately I still dont' have a map of the Forgotten Realms to use in DM Guild submissions. I hope Wizards remedies this ASAP.

Partner with someone who can produce the maps you need, either for a fee or for a "cut." Remember, they modified the DM Guild license to EXCLUDE art and cartography, so even if someone else produces a supplement with an original map, you cannot include it in your own DM Guild product without express permission. Alternatively, if the area you are working with in your product is something that has not really been touched on before with any great detail (which is what i think WotC is looking for folks to do) see if you can find a "use and modify" royalty free map on DTRPG.

I may be wrong but I think folks are going to respond better to professional-grade products and you are more likely to recoup your investment of time and resources, as well as receive the desired attaboys, if you do what it takes to make your product stand out.


[MENTION=467]Reynard[/MENTION] I totally agree with you in principle about going for quality. But financially I'm not sure if doing commissioned art/maps as a little guy makes sense. If you look at a lot of the products on DM's Guild they're "pay what you want" with an average paid price of roughly $1.50. A commissioned full page piece of color art or map could easily run you $100. And remember that DM's Guild (technically OneBookShelf & WotC) takes a 50% royalty on every sale.

So to recoup the price of a $100 commission, under the "pay what you want" model (where you're averaging profits of $0.75 per sale), you'd need to bring in about 133 sales to break even. I'm just not sure what kind of volume DM's Guild sales numbers look like, but my hunch is that reaching 133 sales would be a significant milestone for a little guy.

That explains why few of the products I've seen use original commissioned art, and instead favor no art, Public Domain art, stock art, etc.
[MENTION=6802386]bristolscale7[/MENTION] While I do think that WotC will eventually release some kind of map, I doubt it's a high priority, so I'd look for ways to handle what you need for your product. For example, you can find some rough public domain FR maps here - http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Public_domain_images - nothing like the high-res map you mentioned, but better than nothing. You can also use GIMP or Photoshop or a similar graphics editor, put the high-res map on a bottom layer, then trace over the area you need using your tablet/mouse. I've done some quick n' dirty maps like this for home games, and once you know the software you can spend about 1 hour to get something presentable.
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To add to Quickleafs reply, I think WotC are quite happy if you go the low production values route.

I really think that's what you should aim for with the DMG.

When you've made a name for yourself, feel free to lavish full color illustrations (and maps) on your customers...

...but then for heavens sake don't publish that on the DMG!

I think any product worth more than, say, $4.99, deserves more than the DMG's conditions.

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