What music, if any, do you listen to when reading?


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I'm a one-media-at-a-time geezer. If I read I read, if I listen I listen.
In the OPs situation I usually use an app with shut out other sounds-sounds, like train cabin, spring woods etc.
Or I put down the book and listen to music - for travel I prefer classical baroque or 50ies/60ies jazz.
I thought of using waves or other environmental sounds. I mean, I can read about a space battle in a Sci Fi novel and not be distracted or feel the mood ruined by the sounds of nature. Somehow it feels different when listing through a headset. But maybe waves would fade into the background as well as white noise.

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
None. Like Harold above, if I read, I read. If I listen, I listen.

I will listen to music, podcasts, or audio books, however, while doing repetitive or "brainless" tasks like cleaning the house or painting minis.
Same. I've thought of just doing audio books on flights, but I find my mind wanders with audio books. Also, if I nod off, it is more difficult to go back and pick up where I left off, unlike when reading.


CR 1/8
I thought of using waves or other environmental sounds. I mean, I can read about a space battle in a Sci Fi novel and not be distracted or feel the mood ruined by the sounds of nature. Somehow it feels different when listing through a headset. But maybe waves would fade into the background as well as white noise.
"Nature sounds" is how I drown out conversation, etc. I guess they're just viscerally pleasant, without provoking the emotional tug in me that music usually does.
Personally, I like chirping birds. It's a nice but ordinary sound, basically like an open window but without the lawnmowers, neighbor kids, or hot/cold/wet weather intruding.


Staff member
When I have music on while reading, it’s usually stuff I’m familiar with. Instrumental or with vocalists doesn’t matter. Genre doesn’t matter. (In fact, my mult-CD players are usually in shuffle play mode.) Because I listen to SO much music, I often have a “mental soundtrack” running in my head when nothing is actually playing.

My last day of studying before taking the bar exam, I was listening to a 90 minute mixtape of metal music I typically played while working out in weight rooms on infinite repeat. At certain points during the test, Sepultura’s “Roots” was running through my head “in the background “.

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