What music, if any, do you listen to when reading?


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
My job requires long flights frequently and this is when I do most of my non-work and continuing-education reading. I have a good quality over-the-ear, noise cancelling headset. When I play music at a moderate level it cuts out crying babies, nearby conversations, etc. Normally, I don't like listening to music when I read, but when on a plane I find it necessary. In particular because I find nearby conversations very distracting when I'm reading.

Normally I play classical music or acoustic guitar without lyrics. But I'm thinking of trying to just use white noise to help focus without what is often incongruous soundtrack to the book I'm reading.

I know this forum has a lot of readers. Do any of you listen to music while reading? If so, do you tailor the music to the genre or theme of the book? Or do you have a general go-to selection of music for reading, regardless of the book being read?

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I personally throw on some kind of lo-fi music or softer, background video-game music. The Elder Scrolls IV soundtrack, with the combat tracks taken out, might be my most listened to album ever.


I don't actively put on music when I'm reading, but if I'm already listening to Music from the Hearts of Space when I finish up whatever i was doing on the computer and want to read, I'll usually leave it on until the program finishes. It's nice, nonintrusive music that doesn't "fight me" for attention when I'm reading.


I don't listen to music when I read or write. I find it too distracting, but I usually do listen to music before I sit down to write or read.

What I listen to can vary a lot


I'm a one-media-at-a-time geezer. If I read I read, if I listen I listen.
In the OPs situation I usually use an app with shut out other sounds-sounds, like train cabin, spring woods etc.
Or I put down the book and listen to music - for travel I prefer classical baroque or 50ies/60ies jazz.


Moderator Emeritus
None. Like Harold above, if I read, I read. If I listen, I listen.

I will listen to music, podcasts, or audio books, however, while doing repetitive or "brainless" tasks like cleaning the house or painting minis.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I don't listen to music when I read or write. I find it too distracting, but I usually do listen to music before I sit down to write or read.

What I listen to can vary a lot
Same here. Which is the issue. I find it very hard to read on a plane without something to drown out nearby conversations, crying babies, etc.

I'll probably try to go with white noise.

The problem is that music creates moods and emotions. So does reading. I don't like it with the moods and emotion of the music clash.

I certainly have never been able to listen to music with lyrics while trying to read.

Voidrunner's Codex

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