What products do you wish WotC would re-do?

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I'd love to see them redo some of the old classi adventurers, and to a point, it looks like that is going to happen.

I'd also like to see some of the 'classic' style books:

Fantasy Geographic: Oriental Adventures, Al-Qadim, etc...


Sheen (Dragon articles dealing with mixing machines and magic in the D&D setting. Bruce Cordel did some good stuff there.)

Fiend Folio: More mix on interesting monsters. 4e is in desperate need of more monsters of all levels. The new game paradigm demands it.


Fiend Folio: More mix on interesting monsters. 4e is in desperate need of more monsters of all levels. The new game paradigm demands it.

Yes, more monster books please. Me, I can't wait for the new Monster Manuals and the books that explore specific types of monsters (while dragons and undead are cool, I want the fey book now!).


I'm rather torn here.

I'd LOVE a new Planescape book. Honestly, I would, even for 4e. But I would inevitably hold it up to the 2e one, and, quite frankly, I don't think it's possible for WotC to remake the book better then how I perceive the original. I'm not saying Wizards can't make a good book, I'm saying that I loved - and still love - the 2e book so much that I don't think they could break past my perception of it.

I would love to see a new Planescape guide. What I would love more is one that captured the feel of planscape from Torment the video game. IMO the best video game ever and it made me love planscape all the more.

I haven't DMed or played 4e enough to get up to 30th level but I would like to see options for beyond these levels, even though most of the classes pretty much but a nail in the character coffin after that.

Also, I am a sucker for the Tomb of Horrors. I would love to see a better 3.5e conversion and a 4e make over of both The Tomb of Horrors and Return to the Tomb of Horrors and my own personal follow up, Beyond the Tomb of Horrors. It would be nice to see a 4e version of this module. The lack of an ability to have deadly traps would make it weaker and make it more PC friendly if the PC simply was reduced to a dying state or something, but I view this adventure as the quintessential Gary adventure, it has a lot of warm fuzzy memories and I view it as a true D&D adventure in every sense of the word.

Now, I know I am in the minority in this regard, but I know that there are a lot of others who managed to make it to the end and beat that accursed tomb and would love to see how they convert such deadly trick and traps into a new format.


First Post
I would suggest the 4e compatible (in that there are no 3.5 rules in it as far as I recall) A Magical Society: Ecology and Culture by XRP.

I have their Magical Medieval Society, and really like it. It's got some 3.x/D20 specific elements, though — I'd be interested in seeing a rethought-for-4E version.

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