What races are left for D&D to do?

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Meh... Call me a grognard but there's already far too many player races for my taste.

Humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, possibly gnomes and the two half-breeds is all I need.
Basically, anything exceeding BX D&D is bloat.


You know, I look through this thread, and I see all these responses.

And they are approaching this the wrong way.

It's not what races we should add, it's what races we NEED TO GET RID OF.

That's right, we have far too many races that need to be terminated, with extreme prejudice.

We can start with the Gnomes, and the first 500 or so Elven sub-races.

Then just keep cutting until the caterwauling (NOT A PLAYABLE RACE!) becomes too much. Somewhere around dwarf, or human.
D&D is best when everyone is forced to play human fighters. No other classes and races should exist.

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