D&D General What "Rating" Do You Prefer Your D&D

What Rating Do You Prefer Your D&D

  • G: little to no adult content; "family friendly" (Nicktoons)

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • PG: some action violence and a few naughty words; no sex (Pixar films)

    Votes: 23 18.4%
  • PG-13: harder violence and stronger language; sexual situations; some adult themes (MCU/Star Wars)

    Votes: 87 69.6%
  • R: potential violence, gore and sex, and/or heavy adult subject matter (HBO Game of Thrones)

    Votes: 42 33.6%
  • X: intentionally violent, horrific, adult and/or sexual (most M video games)

    Votes: 7 5.6%
  • You missed my favorite levels of sex and violence!

    Votes: 4 3.2%

Which group am I playing with? I've run anything from safe "Marvel PG-13" to body horror R complete with a swarm of angry placentas as one of the villains and one of the heroes getting their eye plucked out of their head and replaced by the eye from a Spectator (I didn't think they'd actually use that device!) Sex? Not in my D&D group, but in my Apocalypse World group, hell yeah.

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As a forever GM with a long time perma-table of players, I try to nuance stuff depending on system and campaign framing, but generally move in the R spectrum with fade to black sex.

In our current Savage Pathfinder Absalom campaign with morally dark-grey PCs, the players push stuff over the X border, which is fine by me.


Happy with any of them - just advertise it ahead of time.

At present, my game is PG-13, leaning towards PG. That's a consequence of the environment in which I'm running, though, rather than a matter of preference.


There really needs to be an "other" option. I prefer there to be multiple ratings possible. At different times I have different players who have different desires and I need to be able to accommodate multiple levels of content. At different times I want to DM or play different levels of content. I don't have a singular preference


There really needs to be an "other" option. I prefer there to be multiple ratings possible. At different times I have different players who have different desires and I need to be able to accommodate multiple levels of content. At different times I want to DM or play different levels of content. I don't have a singular preference
I addressed this in the OP -- and there is an Other option.


I addressed this in the OP -- and there is an Other option.
I guess I didn't read: "You Missed my favorite levels of sex and violence" as "Other" to me. As, for me, it is not all sex and violence that define a level/rating of games content. However, now that you pointed it out I can see that might be what you intended.

Also, I didn't read the OP. I rarely do with polls. I didn't even realize there was an associated "OP" to polls until recently. I always just take the poll as-is. I will try to work on that.

PG 13 (Despite the fact that in my current games everyone is probably over twice that age.)

Fine with fight scenes, limbs and heads severed, but we don't need to know the precise pattern of arterial spray, or close-ups of a mutilation.
Sex would probably be fade to black if any of the current groups had any interest in portraying it.
None of the groups are particularly young, so there is generally a minimum of obscenities being used unless someone really gets worked up.


In general I like to have gore and blood in combat, adult themes in sense of deep motivations and human emotions. One-sided violence (torture, sexual violence, discrimination) I really dislike in my games and in special cases like sexual violence its a strict no, in other cases it happens "behind the curtain" (torture definitely exists in my world, but it will not get played out). Consensual romance and sex is also behind the curtain, not because I have something against it, but it is always weird to play it out, so we just "cut the scene" in the moment it gets more explicit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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