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What Scares You?

Ashrem Bayle

Watch the movie 12 Monkeys.

Imagine yourself in Bruce Willis' characters shoes. For some reason, that movie really creeped me out.

Another fear is entrapment. Being buried alive. Something to toss at a character is the possibility of spending eternity in a black abyss.

Or see Interview with the Vampire. The scene where they put Louis in the coffin to "spend eterity in a box" really got my creep factor up.

It was mentioned in The Mummy as well. I think the worst thing you could do to one of the undead would be to trap him like that.

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what SCARES me?


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Liquid Awesome
Vampires, Mummies and the Holy Ghost. ;) (I'm guessing that most of the people who frequent this board are NOT going to get that reference.)

And Clowns.



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Clay's insanely huge collection of pictures that really serve no other purpose then to somehow talk about P-Kitty. :D

But other than that: Heights. I am scared poopless of heights. I had to install 2 ceiling fans over the weekend and our ceiling is 10'. There is nothing to terify me more than having to stand 4' up on a ladder while both hands are trying to connect wiring. I just always know I am going to somehow fall backwards and break something.


Keyser Soze.

Seriously. The unknown devil. The thing that can manipulate you and make you fear and shake, and you can't touch it, no matter how hard you try.

That basic idea is the core concept behind many a successful horror story.


Spiders are a big scare factor. To properly describe a spider, it's best to get some of those pictures of spiders in REAL close-up shots, just to see what those damned mouth-parts look like close up, when they are grabbing you and injecting you with poison so they can eat your for food.

The scariest damned thing about spiders is their PRECISION. describing the way a spider moves its legs with an alien perfection, uncommon in the mammalian kingdom, the way a wolf spider pounces perfectly and exactingly on its prey, they just total lack of humanity in these invertebrates, is damned scary. Humans can project anthropomorphisms on most animals, particularly vertebrates, but spiders just have nothing anthropomorphic about them, and their perfection in they way they move and hunt is -

Brr. Scary.


Hm... anyone ever read Johnny Got His Gun? Classic bit of literature about some poor sap who comes back from the war with no arms, no legs, no face (blind, deaf, mute), fed through a tube in a hospital in perpetuity.



Spiders-- oh yeah. Big fear. Henry got that one right.

Heights. Even as opposed to grounds. My acrophobia went through the roof the first time I went snorkelling. Something about looking down and not seeing the bottom was even scarier than looking down and seeing the ground. At least with the ground there's an end. Plus, you don't know what's down there and looking back up at you . . . .

Fire. Death by a cold fire (meaning most fires you'll ever encounter) has to be the worst imaginable way to die. Even if you escape, if any large portion of you was burned, odds are you're toast. Death by hot fire isn't quite so bad, I imagine. If it's that hot, you'll probably die instantly. No need to smell death coming.

Ants, wasps, bees, ants. Ants are really bad. When I was in high school I spend a few weeks out on Cape Cod. Realize, I'm from Alaska. Our local fauna are pretty laid back. We don't do a lot of ants. One morning I went down to grab some breakfast. I took two steps into the kitchen and started feeling these burning sensations in my legs. I couldn't see what was causing them at first. Then I put on my glasses. I'd stepped into a massive ant swarm. I had hundreds of them climbing on my legs stinging me. It was pretty awful. Especially when I realized that there were thousands more marching into the house.

Manatees. I swear, if you want proof of the existence of the Great Old Ones, just look at the manatee. All those "scars" that scientists tell you are from "boats" aren't. That's where the tentacles come out. Just look at their eyes.

Gangrene and other kinds of body rot. Spend a few minutes visualizing your body melting slowly and you'll see what I mean.


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