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What sort of character will you build for Curse of Strahd?

What class of character do you think you will build?

  • Barbarian

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Bard

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Cleric

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Fighter

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • Monk

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Paladin

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • Ranger

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Sorcerer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Wizard

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Poll closed .
My bard generally ends up with a number of cure wounds spells memorized. Not a proper healer, but people are definitely thankful when they’re on the ground making death saves.

I'm either amused or bemused by said bard having to save a cleric's proverbial bacon.

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I'm sure I will make something, if someone decides to run them, but like Mirtek, Season 4 is likely to be a pass season for most of us due to the risk of taking an existing character into the storyline with such a small playerbase as our local area.

I don't get this. You create a new PC so you can play 4-1, and you just use that one as you go through the season 4 Mods. As one of the 'regulars' and 'sorta kinda' one of the group leaders.... I may have a second tier 1 PC in case I need to rerun an adventure for some new folks.... but I would most likely just consider that one a 'throw away'. Granted, not every PC will get to play the mods in order, but thats okay.

And worse case scenario, the PC I created never makes it out..... so what, I have a bunch of other PCs to play with already. But there is a choice, create a PC and play this new content, and use older PCs to play the older content. or..... only use older PCs to play older content. Seems like a no brainer to me...


I crit!
This is very meta in a cool way
Just think of all these PCs whose fate has been pre ordained by the powers that be, players! Those poor damn cursed PCs.

I will not meta my character in any way if I can help it. I am not sure what character I will play. I will wait for the character info for the season to see if an idea pops into my head.

That's the important line right there. Not hard if you're gaming with people you know and trust, but when it comes to completely random parties put together -- such as PUGs or, in tabletop terms, convention tables -- it's often not even worth bothering to risk it, because you never know who you're gonna end up sitting with.

I'm sure as heck not going to spend hundreds of dollars traveling to a convention just to hear some socially-inept goofball with only a vague understanding of his character and a folder at home containing fancfics he wrote of every other player's characters in his home game sit there with a confused look on his face and complain to the rest of the party why they aren't helping or at least recovering his corpse after he willingly and knowingly walked through a still-present blade barrier twice.

And why no, I'm not making that story up for the sake of hyperbole. I wish I was tho.

I play with a person who rolled a human paladin, dex build, took crossbow master or whatever it is that allows two attacks with a hand crossbow, who hides behind the caster classes while fighting fiends to shoot them with the crossbow. while technically not a wrong way to play, I have to shake my head and hold my tongue when he does it.
I once asked him why he did not go up to the fiend and smite it and his reply was "I only have two spell slots, I don't want to waste them". At that point I just said ok and walked away.
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I don't get this. You create a new PC so you can play 4-1,
thing is that some just don't. I have only played 2-1 (well, only partly) for that reason. Simply didn' t have level 1-2 character and I don't like having too many PCs so i just pass those mods rather than make a new PC i don't really wanted or care about just to play a mod.

It's mit likely I'll ever play 1-1 or 3-1 and also 4-1 even if the traped aspect would be droped. I just consider seasons to start with X-2
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I'm waiting until the S4 Story Origin options are revealed before making a final decision. I'm still holding out hope that the Death Domain and/or Oathbreaker become public options. If there was ever a perfect opportunity to do so, a season in Ravenloft is it.

However in the current rule set, I'm leaning towards revising my Fighter-dipped Arcana Cleric "Final Fantasy Red Mage" build to work in the Ravenloft ecology. Given the revolving door aspect of AL party composition, I'd rather be a Jack-of-All-Trades that can fit into any party than pigeon-hole myself into a single role.


First Post
Having played 4-1 "Suits of the Mists" at Winter Fantasy over the weekend, I can tell you it's pretty cool, and they nailed the atmosphere.

I'll probably be making *more* low level characters to feed to Season 4...



Lord of the Hidden Layer
I pulled the 3e Ravenloft rulebook from the Public Library.

I want to make a half-Vistani Bard for the Stradh season.
We'll have to wait a bit to see if I can. If not, half-elf Bard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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