Dragonlance What spell school would Raistlin be in 5E?

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I need to go back and reread the books, but my memory was he left the ship (with his brother on board) with the book of Fistandantilus and teleported back to the library of Palanthas where he went to access other books of the black robes (or Fistandantilus, can't quite remember). But because he was a red robes, not a black robe, he couldn't read them. So he switched to black robes, learned the spells and then burned the section of the library down in his glee and to prevent others from gaining access to the books/secrets. And put him on Astinus's naughty list.

I imagine I've got it totally, laughably wrong. Gives me an incentive to go back and reread those books.
Given that Astinus, is, you know, a God, I find it dubious that someone could just burn his books without some interference. Well, maybe a Kender.

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Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
Given that Astinus, is, you know, a God, I find it dubious that someone could just burn his books without some interference. Well, maybe a Kender.
I thought his whole deal was he didn't interfere, neutral god of knowledge and all.

Raistlin destroyed the world without his interference, so it's probably not an issue.


From the Dragonlance wiki:

Before the whirlpool could destroy the ship, Raistlin used the dragon orb to teleport himself to the city of Palanthas, where he appeared on the steps of the Great Library, near death. Searching through the library’s volumes for days, he was inadvertently given the clue to his power and connection with Fistandantilus by Astinus himself, and thus firmly committed himself to the Black Robes and the Dark Queen’s service.

Voidrunner's Codex

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