I was talking to my friend a couple days ago and we were discussing Star Trek, Unity, and Forbidden Lands as well as our fizzled out campaigns in Shadowrun, Numenera, 13th Age, and 7th Sea. We both collect a lot of RPGs, but mostly as curiosities rather than for actual play.
Our group has seen successful, long term campaigns (say 6 months of regular play), but only in a few systems: AD&D (many years ago), D&D 3.x, Pathfinder, Star Wars (Fantasy Flight), Call of Cthulhu, and D&D 5E.
Other times our group has tried games that lasted for a few sessions (at best) or ended after character creation (at worst), including the aforementioned Shadowrun, Numenera, 13th Age, and 7th Sea; but also including FATE, Rogue Trader, Gamma World, D&D 4E, Dungeon World, Monster of the Week, Castles and Crusades, Star Wars (SAGA, d20, and d6), World of Darkness, d20 Modern, GURPS, and Hollow Earth Expedition.
Then there are the books we've bought and never used: Savage Worlds, Savage Rifts, Savage Worlds of Solomon Kane, Warhammer Fantasy (2E, 3E, and 4E), Shadow of the Demon Lord, Mutants and Masterminds, and anything by Palladium.
I realize this community is probably D&D focused, but I'm curious what systems you've used for long term campaigns? Are there others you've bought and never played, though you may mine them for ideas? Is there something that I haven't given a fair shot that is your favorite system?
Our group has seen successful, long term campaigns (say 6 months of regular play), but only in a few systems: AD&D (many years ago), D&D 3.x, Pathfinder, Star Wars (Fantasy Flight), Call of Cthulhu, and D&D 5E.
Other times our group has tried games that lasted for a few sessions (at best) or ended after character creation (at worst), including the aforementioned Shadowrun, Numenera, 13th Age, and 7th Sea; but also including FATE, Rogue Trader, Gamma World, D&D 4E, Dungeon World, Monster of the Week, Castles and Crusades, Star Wars (SAGA, d20, and d6), World of Darkness, d20 Modern, GURPS, and Hollow Earth Expedition.
Then there are the books we've bought and never used: Savage Worlds, Savage Rifts, Savage Worlds of Solomon Kane, Warhammer Fantasy (2E, 3E, and 4E), Shadow of the Demon Lord, Mutants and Masterminds, and anything by Palladium.
I realize this community is probably D&D focused, but I'm curious what systems you've used for long term campaigns? Are there others you've bought and never played, though you may mine them for ideas? Is there something that I haven't given a fair shot that is your favorite system?