D&D (2024) What would be the path between Wildshape Templates and Use an Beast statblock?

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Book-Friend, he/him
The basic druid could use stat blocks while the moon druid has a moon wild shape that is more akin to a template. Or vice versa.
The next UA is goijg tonjust have the one Subclass, and apparently most people prefer using the Monster Manual stat blocks. I don't think theybwill bifurcation it that way, the MM approach with some sort of streamlining path is most probable.


Book-Friend, he/him
The fact that they are even willing to still reach out to template fans gives me a bit of hope for warlock magic as well...
I'm curious to find out how the UA 7 options did: based on the UA 6 report, I'm thinking thwt at least Fighter, Barbarian and Wizard are done with UA, maybe Sorcerer too. So UA 9 may be just 3 or 4 Classes?


I'm curious to find out how the UA 7 options did: based on the UA 6 report, I'm thinking thwt at least Fighter, Barbarian and Wizard are done with UA, maybe Sorcerer too. So UA 9 may be just 3 or 4 Classes?
That's my guess, though there is a small chance the barbarian gets an update because of its subs or high level power issues. Warlock I feel needs one more pass. Magical cunning didn't fix the warlock lack of spell slot issue and blade pact abilities that need fixing.


Book-Friend, he/him
That's my guess, though there is a small chance the barbarian gets an update because of its subs or high level power issues. Warlock I feel needs one more pass. Magical cunning didn't fix the warlock lack of spell slot issue and blade pact abilities that need fixing.
Yeah, Warlock I feel pretty likely will need another pass, Fighter and Wizard are definitely fine, the Barbarian and Sorcerer are open questions.


Why not do what PF1 did? Modify stats based on the size of the creature and add all the creatures abilities that your level allows.
Alternatively, do something similar to 3.5 Astral Constructs to emulate the beast in question. Similar to templates, but more flexible.
At least there's no longer a feat like Natural Spell, so Wild Shape is not as broken as in 3.5.


Jedi Master
how is that not a template with a fixed identity....
In the current setup, you are restricted to beasts by CR and get more powerful beasts as you level up by increasing the cr cap. In my suggestion, the base CR stays the same, you can be any beast of that CR. As you level up you apply additional effects to those beasts to gain power at the appropriate level. Now designers don’t have to worry about higher cr beasts being broken for wildshape, but the Druid forms get more powerful. Best of both world imo

I definitely prefer the statblock method. I found the template so jarring. Like if you turn into a 'horse' you can't run with other horses. It felt so gamey and jarring, completely disconnected from the in-game setting. Which is a problem 5e is having more and more over time.

The health did need to be fixed though. It made moon druids basically unkillable.

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