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what would you be in the dungeons and Dragons world?


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bladesong said:
On a personal level I have declined invitations from Mensa seveal times in the past...

:\ You mean you haven't declined in the future yet?

Once you take the test, Mensa sends invitations for a couple of years. (I've got mine pinned on my office cubicle for chuckles.) Turning them down is probably the strongest indicator that you're smart enough to belong. :)

Unfortunately, bragging about it incurs a big negative modifier of some sort ...

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What would I be in a D&D world? Realistically: dead. If I was transported to one now I very much doubt that I'd survive very long, even as a peasant, and certainly not as an adventurer! If I'd grown up in one I'd have died ten years ago when I had my heart attack.


First Post
Driddle said:
Good-natured flame attack on no one in particular, because this sort of thread demands it sooner or later:

Anyone who believes you've got an 17 or 18 intelligence? -- YOU'RE FULL OF BALONEY! YOU'RE NOT THAT SMART! Even if the genetic material from your mom and dad rolled 10d6 and took the best three before you were born. Just not gonna happen.

Now go hide in a dark corner and cry over your puny 7 charisma rating. :p

I talked about this the last time one of these threads came up. My basic point was this:

It's not the people who say that have eighteens that are fooling themselves. It's the people who say they dont have any eights.

if you assume that everyone rolls 3d6 for their stats, then here's the breakdown:

3	  .46	  0
4	 1.39	  2
5	 2.78	  5
6	 4.62	  9
7	 6.94	 16
8	 9.72	 26
9	11.57	 37
10	12.5	 50
11	12.5	 62
12	11.57	 74
13	 9.72	 83
14	 6.94	 90
15	 4.63	 95
16	 2.75	 98
17	 1.39	 99
18	  .46	100
(The second column is the percent of the population that has that score [assuming a base 3d6 roll]. The second column is the percent of the population that has that score or lower, rounded to the nearest whole number.)

As for Int, the IQ/10 thing is definately bonkers. IQ has a standard deviation of 15 or 16 (but sometimes as high as 24 depending on the test). Ability score modifiers have a standard deviation of 2.958. If you assume an IQ test that uses 16 as the standard deviation, and then round 2.958 to three, an INT of 18 comes out to a 140 IQ (and an int 3 corresponds to a 60 IQ).

Honestly, given how cerebral a hobby role-playing is, I expect that most of the folks her have INT 12 or better, and that we can expect quite a few 17s and 18s. (Admittedly, my perception of role-playing might be skewed by the fact that most of the people I play with attend the same well-ranked college that I do.)

On a personal note, I'd guess:

STR 11, DEX 9, CON 7, INT 18, WIS 9, CHA 12
(that's 23 point buy)

IRL, of course, I'm an expert. When statting myself out in modern, I have one level of smart followed by levels of charismatic (I started college as a Computer Science major. I liked the theory but hated some of the practical aspects, so I switched to Theatre Arts)

Were I to grow up in a D&D universe, though, I expect that I'd have started as a Wizard. If magic was as boring as Comp Sci was, I'd have switched to Expert or Bard (though I doubt magic would be that boring).
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arscott said:
On a personal note, I'd guess:

STR 11, DEX 9, CON 7, INT 18, WIS 9, CHA 12
(that's 23 point buy)

This is an interesting idea. If you had to do a point buy for yourself, say, at 25 points, how would you stat yourself out?

For me, I'd probably distribute them as follows:

Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13


First Post
In the D&D world I'd probably be dead. A wandering monster would have surely got me either on the way to, or from work by now. Even in my little car, I'd be no match for a T-Rex, it'd catch me at the lights.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Str 8 - Based on lifting table in the PHB

Dex 14 - I'm fast. Used to do sprints and hurdles in track, but for the past few years I've taken up Table Tennis and Shotokan Karate. If those two don't develop hand-eye coordination, then nothing does.

Con 14 - I could get up right now and run 5 miles without any problem. This is due mostly to years I spent doing distance running. On top of that, I'd like to believe I have a relatively high pain tolerance.

Int 18 - I'm a physics major at the toughest university in the country, and I'm doing well.

Wis 14 - I'm very observant and good at figuring out the whys behind peoples's actions.

Cha 15 - I can influence people very easily with words, and I am fantastic at giving speeches.

What would I be? A wizard, no doubt about it. Although, really, I could probably to a bard, cleric, or druid.


str- 11 (top end of average)
dex- 13 (always had good balance, reflexes, etc.)
con- 12 (always been in good health)
int- 12 (smarter than the average bear :))
wis- 12 (ditto)
cha- 8 (average looking, introverted, somewhat shy)

neutral good human commoner level 1 :cool:



First Post
Ohh, I'd be a lowly 2nd-level Expert struggling desperately to become a Wizard or Monk. I might actually be Expert 1/Barbarian 1, though. Likely have Iron Will and Toughness. Skill points mostly spread thin across various inconsequential Knowledge skills and a few Crafts.
Str 7, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 8

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