Dragonlance (+) What Would You Want From 5e Dragonlance?


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Heh. It's funny. Dragonlance has gone from the high magic gonzo setting of 1e to people wanting it low magic. Minotaurs as a PC race? Introduced in Dragonlance. High powered character dripping with magic weapons and items? Read the modules, see just how much magic the heroes were actually carrying. Heck, one of the more constant companions was a god.

No Tabaxi? Ok, we'll have Thanoi - walrus people instead. Aaracockra as well. When you have the Greygem of Gargath creating all sorts of races from raw chaos, claims that you can't have bizarre races seem a bit strange.

And why on earth would you not have tieflings in Dragonlance? There are tons of demons wandering around in canon. Tiefling makes considerable sense.
"Wanting it low magic"

No, Hussar. I don't want it Low Magic. I want it -DRAGONLANCE-.

Leaving out these character races because they don't exist within the narrative or the setting is the point. I didn't say a -single- word about "Low Magic".

You know why there's no Tieflings in Dragonlance? 'Cause Tieflings weren't a big thing 'til almost a decade later. Not because tieflings are "Too Magical" or "Too Powerful". Just because they didn't exist.

Do you know why Orcs and Half Orcs don't exist on Krynn even though they were part of the original Monster Manual back in OED&D

You know what else doesn't exist there? Drow.

Minotaurs and Hobgoblins, Ogres and Half Ogres? Yes, please! Kyrie and Irda and Thanoi? You betcha! Five different Elves including TWO species of Aquatic Elves? BRING IT ON!

No Orcs, though. Because they're not meant to be part of the setting.

Your "Low Magic" Strawman can go burn in a fire, Hussar. Don't try to put words in my mouth.

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(To everyone wanting to eliminate kender, tinker gnomes, et al, why do you want Dragonlance at all if you don't like some of the core aspects? That's like demanding a Dark Sun with no psionics or sorcerer-kings)
They're far less important than psionics or sorcerer-kings to the setting. Furthermore I didn't advocate eliminating them, just not making them playable.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Yeah I didn't say anything about distance future or 1000 years. Set it around 100 years post-Autumn Twilight and you've already cleared past EVERY Dragonlance novel ever published by about 30 years.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight (351 AC)
Rise of Solamnia Trilogy (429 AC)

Set up a nice clean slate for PCs (not novel characters) to be relevant, give yourself a new war (the novels were leading to this anyway) and enjoy some freedom.

Or have a dull retread of ye-olde War of the Lance I suppose.
100 years, 1000, seems like a dramatically different setting to me.
100 years that brings the setting closer to how it was in the Chronicles is…a dramatically different setting?
Which is fine, I guess, it just seemed odd to want to change the setting that much, and then worry about changing things like Gully Dwarves and Kender.
Changing them is one thing, removing them is quite another.
Personally I think the best thing to do with Gully Dwarves would be to just quietly forget they ever existed.
No need, when they can instead be transitioned to a take that isn’t problematic but also doesn’t hide from the past.


The EN World kitten
Speaking a little bit selfishly? I'd like some draconians that, y'know, can be good guys. The books (apparently) have some sivak and baaz draconians that, while not "good" proper, aren't stupid and see how badly their creators treat them, and the advantages of working alongside more heroic factions.
Those are The Doom Brigade and its sequel, Draconian Measures, for those wondering. There's also a short story, "Kang's Command," in Dragon #276.

Likewise, draconian characters aren't a new idea. You had rules for both base draconian characters (male and female, I believe) and noble draconian characters in Dragons of Krynn (affiliate link) for 3.5.
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Those are The Doom Brigade and its sequel, Draconian Measures, for those wondering. There's also a short story, "Kang's Command," in Dragon #276.

Likewise, draconian characters aren't a new idea. You had rules for both base draconian characters (male and female, I believe) and noble draconian characters in Dragons of Krynn (affiliate link) for 3.5.
Yep, draconian were fully playable in 3.5 straight from the first core rulebook.


Friendship is Magic, and Magic is Heresy.
Make magic difficult again.

The in lore restrictions for things like paladins and wizards were what made the setting interesting and not generic, and they should be maintained.

I haven’t read the books in ages, but social structures that interact with some class mechanics were more or less core to the original setting.


Your "Low Magic" Strawman can go burn in a fire, Hussar. Don't try to put words in my mouth.
You DO realize that other people post in this thread than you right? "Low magic straw man"? Hmmm...

[USER=6871653 said:
Rare Magic:
Rules or advice to run a setting where magic is present, but not widespread. ...

I think the 5e warlock is just the right amount of magic for DL. Its not as low-magic as LotR, since spellcaster can still do crazy stuff, but its mostly the idea that classic martial archetypes using magic would be rare, like Eldritch Knights and such.
Phork said:
Make magic difficult again.

So, yeah, low magic has been proposed in the thread. You might want to dial back the antagonism, just a couple of notches. You argued that we must not include other races in a setting that is KNOWN for adding races pretty willy nilly.

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