Dragonlance (+) What Would You Want From 5e Dragonlance?

You don't think it's a bit odd to ask why people want to change the setting in the same post as you basically endorse the creation of what would basically be a completely new setting?
Nothing in that suggestion is removing anything from the setting. There's some de-emphasis of certain elements (and many of people's perceptions of the races don't actually match the lore anyway, so its really not much of a change)

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Nothing in that suggestion is removing anything from the setting. There's some de-emphasis of certain elements (and many of people's perceptions of the races don't actually match the lore anyway, so its really not much of a change)
A setting that's 1000 years in the future is basically a new setting.

And historically doing that is what basically killed most people's interest in Dragonlance.


Do we need to have them be distinguishable from dragonborn? They're dragonborn with a different name, wings, and a unique history tied to the settings. That'd be very attractive to WoTC enabling people to play all the core races of the PHB. (Kender likewise with halflings).
Maybe? I've seen a fair number of people seem to think that they're different enough--Mecheon, whom I replied to originally, wanted playable draconians, which suggests that the current dragonborn aren't enough. Whether that also means the revamped UA dragonborn aren't enough either, I don't know.

I also know that a lot of people have a problem with aarakocra because of their wings, so they might have the same problem with winged draconians.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I really like this a lot, and it also won't alienate existing fans of the novels by invalidating all that came before nor will it be a dull remake of the original modules.

All of which means this is unfortunately not what WoTC will do.

(To everyone wanting to eliminate kender, tinker gnomes, et al, why do you want Dragonlance at all if you don't like some of the core aspects? That's like demanding a Dark Sun with no psionics or sorcerer-kings)
Yeah I definitely wouldn’t be willing to support a DL that removed those elements.
You don't think it's a bit odd to ask why people want to change the setting in the same post as you basically endorse the creation of what would basically be a completely new setting?
How is it a new setting? You’re literally starting in Solace, a town famous for its shrine to the heroes of the war of the Lance, in an inn in a tree probably owned by a Majere, and can play a Kender or a Tinker gnome or a Dwarf Paladin of Reorx, or a Black Robe Mage from a Tower of High Sorcery alongside a Knight of The Rose.

A setting that's 1000 years in the future is basically a new setting.

And historically doing that is what basically killed most people's interest in Dragonlance.
Who suggested even 1000 years?

Yeah I definitely wouldn’t be willing to support a DL that removed those elements.

How is it a new setting? You’re literally starting in Solace, a town famous for its shrine to the heroes of the war of the Lance, in an inn in a tree probably owned by a Majere, and can play a Kender or a Tinker gnome or a Dwarf Paladin of Reorx, or a Black Robe Mage from a Tower of High Sorcery alongside a Knight of The Rose.


Who suggested even 1000 years?
The poster I was responding to was endorsing making Dragonlance taking place in the far future of the setting, and that the War of the Lance should be ancient history.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
The poster I was responding to was endorsing making Dragonlance taking place in the far future of the setting, and that the War of the Lance should be ancient history.
I didn’t catch that. I assumed you were responding to thier endorsement of my idea of moving the setting 1-2 centuries forward, making the War of The Lance something that elves and dwarves remember but humans view as a thing thier grandparents or great grandparents did. Enough time to put the setting back to how it was, full circle, rather than retconning the setting as if later books never happened and characters like Palin Majere never existed.

I didn’t catch that. I assumed you were responding to thier endorsement of my idea of moving the setting 1-2 centuries forward, making the War of The Lance something that elves and dwarves remember but humans view as a thing thier grandparents or great grandparents did. Enough time to put the setting back to how it was, full circle, rather than retconning the setting as if later books never happened and characters like Palin Majere never existed.
Yeah I didn't say anything about distance future or 1000 years. Set it around 100 years post-Autumn Twilight and you've already cleared past EVERY Dragonlance novel ever published by about 30 years.

Dragons of Autumn Twilight (351 AC)
Rise of Solamnia Trilogy (429 AC)

Set up a nice clean slate for PCs (not novel characters) to be relevant, give yourself a new war (the novels were leading to this anyway) and enjoy some freedom.

Or have a dull retread of ye-olde War of the Lance I suppose.

100 years, 1000, seems like a dramatically different setting to me.

Which is fine, I guess, it just seemed odd to want to change the setting that much, and then worry about changing things like Gully Dwarves and Kender.

Personally I think the best thing to do with Gully Dwarves would be to just quietly forget they ever existed.


What I want from Dragonlance?

For it not to be a Kitchen Sink. There's no orcs, there. So don't cram orcs in so players can have PHB Half-Orcs. No Tabaxi. No Tortles. No Firbolg. No -Tieflings-.

Make it Dragonlance. Do D&DLance.
Heh. It's funny. Dragonlance has gone from the high magic gonzo setting of 1e to people wanting it low magic. Minotaurs as a PC race? Introduced in Dragonlance. High powered character dripping with magic weapons and items? Read the modules, see just how much magic the heroes were actually carrying. Heck, one of the more constant companions was a god.

No Tabaxi? Ok, we'll have Thanoi - walrus people instead. Aaracockra as well. When you have the Greygem of Gargath creating all sorts of races from raw chaos, claims that you can't have bizarre races seem a bit strange.

And why on earth would you not have tieflings in Dragonlance? There are tons of demons wandering around in canon. Tiefling makes considerable sense.

Voidrunner's Codex

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