D&D General What's in a place name? Apparently, water.

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For me the funny thing is the mispronunciations by locals, which you cannot tell by the spelling of a community name. Right next to me, is a small town of Marseilles, IL., but locals call it "Mar sales", even though it should be "Mar say" as the French city name.

Versailles, CT - same thing...

(On a slight tangent, Groton, CT and Croton, NY are not pronounced the same way.)

Interestingly, despite the fact that my town is named after a famous local Native American Chief who shares his name with a character in Last of the Mohicans, if you get more than three or four towns away from here you find people who have no idea how to pronounce it correctly.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I live in Southampton - South Home Town.

Used to go to school in Bournmouth -- Mouth of the River Bourne.

Grew up in New Milton -- New Middle Town.

(Ton might also mean farm)


I live in Southampton - South Home Town.

Used to go to school in Bournmouth -- Mouth of the River Bourne.

Grew up in New Milton -- New Middle Town.

(Ton might also mean farm)
And Bournemouth itself is another "River River" with bourne meaning small river, as in Bournemouth, Sittingbourne, Eastbourne, Otterbourne etc.
No wonder half or rural England sounds like The Shire!

(I went to uni in Southampton btw)

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