What's the WORST Star Wars movie?

What's the WORST Star Wars movie? (vote for up to 3)

  • Ep I: The Phantom Menace

    Votes: 52 33.1%
  • Ep 2: Attack of the Clones

    Votes: 50 31.8%
  • Ep 3: Revenge of the Sith

    Votes: 14 8.9%
  • Ep 4: A New Hope

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ep 5: The Empire Strikes Back

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ep 6: Return of the Jedi

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Ep 7: The Force Awakens

    Votes: 19 12.1%
  • Ep 8: The Last Jedi

    Votes: 56 35.7%
  • Ep 9: The Rise of Skywalker

    Votes: 95 60.5%
  • Rogue One

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • Solo

    Votes: 16 10.2%

....and I've always had the feeling that he was basically just unconsciously using the Force to gradually influence her every time they were together.

I think that is an interesting theory but I also don't believe the movie gives enough evidence for that to have been the intent

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Lawrence Kasdan wrote Empire, Jedi, Force Awakens, and Solo (in addition to Raiders of the Lost Ark, Body Heat, Grand Canyaon, Silverado, and so on). George Luchas wrote New Hope and the Prequels, and it kind of shows. New Hope had a certain freshness and simplicity to it, so the simple dialogue fit. The Prequels were Byzantine and convoluted, but the dialogue was just as flat and simple. If Spielberg had directed Phantom Menace, and someone else wrote the final script...and Anakin was a teenager, like originally intended...may have been kind of watchable.

Heh clone wars probably should have been pt 1. We didn't need to see Vader as a kid and the execution was off anyway.

TPM has one of the best lightsaber duels and I actually quite like RotS. It has one of the best opening scenes in the whole franchise.

I will say I do remember liking the action choreography in Phantom Menace but I also think they did this thing where it went from being a Samurai trilogy with very heavy light sabres to wuxia in the prequels. That is fine, but I could have used some explanation about it (perhaps it is there and I missed it...or maybe Luke and Vader are just linked to a particular style in that universe).


Book-Friend, he/him
TLJ kinda painted then into a corner though. Smoke was dead so was Phasma, Hux and Kyle ineffective as villains.

Idk how they could gave gone forward from there you have no villain. Maybe have Snoke return via cloning and tie it to Palpatine in some way? Makes Snoke a bigger badass and ties it to the PT. Palpatinevdidnt cheat death but Snoke did. He'll have Snoke be Palpatines master cheating death.

IDK but that's the big problem with TLJ. Who's you villain going forward (and no Kylo doesn't count).
Oh, no, Kylo Ren was always the final villain, thst was the plan. They abandoned the plan, in poorly thought out form:


I will say I do remember liking the action choreography in Phantom Menace but I also think they did this thing where it went from being a Samurai trilogy with very heavy light sabres to wuxia in the prequels. That is fine, but I could have used some explanation about it (perhaps it is there and I missed it...or maybe Luke and Vader are just linked to a particular style in that universe).
One thing I really liked about TPM is that it showed that there was a whole level of difference between Luke getting trained for a few weeks late in his youth and taking on an old, mostly-machine opponent, compared to Jedi formally trained in the Force from an early age and in the prime of their abilities.


Oh, no, Kylo Ren was always the final villain, thst was the plan. They abandoned the plan, in poorly thought out form:

May have been the plan the execution was off. Hux could have been a Tarkin/Thrawn equivalent got turned into a joke.

Kylo got jobbed out on TFA and Luke made him look like an idiot TLJ two things that didn't happen to say Vader.

So if IX went in a different direction Kylo wouldn't have been a great SW villain regardless. Great ones Thrawn, Vader, Palps, Malak probably a few more.

He always came across as a whiny cheap Vader knock off as early as TFA. He could have become a decent character but not a great villain. Hux had potential he was delicious in TFA;)


Book-Friend, he/him
May have been the plan the execution was off. Hux could have been a Tarkin/Thrawn equivalent got turned into a joke.

Kylo got jobbed out on TFA and Luke made him look like an idiot TLJ two things that didn't happen to say Vader.

So if IX went in a different direction Kylo wouldn't have been a great SW villain regardless. Great ones Thrawn, Vader, Palps, Malak probably a few more.

He always came across as a whiny cheap Vader knock off as early as TFA. He could have become a decent character but not a great villain. Hux had potential he was delicious in TFA;)
The mistake was taking his mask off. If he remained masked throughout the movies, would have been more in point.


The mistake was taking his mask off. If he remained masked throughout the movies, would have been more in point.

Well then he still comes across as a Vader knock off.

Rey needed to be a Jedi Knight right from the get go IMHO and Kylo needed to crush her in pt 1 or 2. They never established Snoke as a viable villain either so killing him meant nothing either.

Vadersca badass start to finish. We see him bow to Palpatine in ESB. Then we see Luke be a badass as a Jedi Knight in RotJ, defeat Vader taking his hand then he gets smashed flat easily by the Emperor. He also defeated Yoda and Mace.

Kylo and Snoke never had that level of threat or cane across as big bads. They both had potential eg Kylo holding blaster boolts in mid air. They need to go head to head with Luke or one of his apprentices IMHO.

That's also why I'm anti killing Snoke like they did he was the last viable option after Kylo and Hux were neutered as viable villains. They didn't have time to develop a new villain and the others were ineffective.

Voidrunner's Codex

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