What's the WORST Star Wars movie?

What's the WORST Star Wars movie? (vote for up to 3)

  • Ep I: The Phantom Menace

    Votes: 52 33.1%
  • Ep 2: Attack of the Clones

    Votes: 50 31.8%
  • Ep 3: Revenge of the Sith

    Votes: 14 8.9%
  • Ep 4: A New Hope

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ep 5: The Empire Strikes Back

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ep 6: Return of the Jedi

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Ep 7: The Force Awakens

    Votes: 19 12.1%
  • Ep 8: The Last Jedi

    Votes: 56 35.7%
  • Ep 9: The Rise of Skywalker

    Votes: 95 60.5%
  • Rogue One

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • Solo

    Votes: 16 10.2%


TLJ kinda painted then into a corner though. Smoke was dead so was Phasma, Hux and Kyle ineffective as villains.

Idk how they could gave gone forward from there you have no villain. Maybe have Snoke return via cloning and tie it to Palpatine in some way? Makes Snoke a bigger badass and ties it to the PT. Palpatinevdidnt cheat death but Snoke did. He'll have Snoke be Palpatines master cheating death.

IDK but that's the big problem with TLJ. Who's you villain going forward (and no Kylo doesn't count).
You already call it here. First option is you bring snoke back. That redeems the insanely stupid and goofy way he dies in TLJ, establishes him as a true badass. Forget palpatine. Make it snokes plan the whole time, a test for kylo. The guy in the chair was a clone, the real snoke then returns from the shadows.

Option 2, you commit to Kylo as your villain. At this point he absolutely works as the villain.

So they had options

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Attack of the Clones.. Natalie Portman is an Academy Award winning actress for heavens sake and..


between Padme and Anakin is just achingly, poorly directed, middle school drama class bad and..

...there are so many of these scenes.

Such a trainwreck.


You already call it here. First option is you bring snoke back. That redeems the insanely stupid and goofy way he dies in TLJ, establishes him as a true badass. Forget palpatine. Make it snokes plan the whole time, a test for kylo. The guy in the chair was a clone, the real snoke then returns from the shadows.

Option 2, you commit to Kylo as your villain. At this point he absolutely works as the villain.

So they had options
The way to fully redeem the sequel series is to erase it from memory, put it under a single writing/directing team instead of creating a unit measuring contest between different teams, and reshoot the whole thing.

Still not as bad as the prequel series.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Option 2, you commit to Kylo as your villain. At this point he absolutely works as the villain.
I honestly don't know why they didn't go with Kylo as the villain in the final movie. We finally had a chance to see what it'd look like if a Darth Vader analogue was in charge. Surely it wouldn't be "yeah, the Empire/First Order as usual, here you go."

I cannot imagine pitching "so, first off, the Emperor is back, second there's a fleet larger than has ever been seen in Star Wars just chilling out there somewhere, not being used, as a Plan B for the bad guys."


I honestly don't know why they didn't go with Kylo as the villain in the final movie. We finally had a chance to see what it'd look like if a Darth Vader analogue was in charge. Surely it wouldn't be "yeah, the Empire/First Order as usual, here you go."

I cannot imagine pitching "so, first off, the Emperor is back, second there's a fleet larger than has ever been seen in Star Wars just chilling out there somewhere, not being used, as a Plan B for the bad guys."
Don’t forget that everyone of the ships had a Death Star esque laser on them apparantely


I honestly don't know why they didn't go with Kylo as the villain in the final movie. We finally had a chance to see what it'd look like if a Darth Vader analogue was in charge. Surely it wouldn't be "yeah, the Empire/First Order as usual, here you go."

I cannot imagine pitching "so, first off, the Emperor is back, second there's a fleet larger than has ever been seen in Star Wars just chilling out there somewhere, not being used, as a Plan B for the bad guys."

Kylid villain potential was ruined in TFA and more in last Jedi.

He was a Vader knock off newb in TFA that had temper tantrums and got mad

e to look a fool in TLJ.

They nevervreallycestablushed that he was much of a bad ass. Even if he defeated Rey in TFA so what she's an even bigger newb. And since TLJ started right after TFA there was no real time for him to develop as Snoke even referenced he needed more training.

So they could commit to Kylo but it wouldn't be very effective. Even Maul and Dooku had better badass moments. Dook
u defeated Anakin and didn't get jobb
ed out to Yoda. Maul killed a Jedi Master. They had 3 options at that point.

1. Bring back Snoke
2. Bring back Palpatine
3. Introduce Plageus

They didn't really have the time to develop a new character. Any of these 3 could also return in spirit form. Possessing Kylo could have made him effective.

I voted AotC. Plodding action with terrible scripting and the relationship between Padme and Anakin is just awful. The Yoda/Dooku lightsaber fight is probably the only part worth watching.
This is like the "objectively correct" answer. And I say that as someone who owned AotC on DVD.

If you go through every tenet of movie-making, and rate the movies, AotC will end up on the bottom for sure. I even had to drop Solo from my list because I realized I hadn't included AotC. And Solo is a BAD movie, with one of the worst moments in Star Wars (that bit where he makes up his name, my eyes rolling nearly caused me physical injury).

TPM is nearly as bad (bonus multiple instances of bizarre racist racial coding, Watto being by far the worst which is impressive given how Minstrel-adjacent Jar Jar is), and TRoS is very close too but has much better performances, though "They fly now" alone is almost enough to destroy the movie.

TLJ is amazing and I won't hear anything else about it. However a weird mixture of terrible people and Gen-X nerds with very fixed ideas about Star Wars (esp. Luke Skywalker) hate it like they hate hell and all Capulets, which makes it extra-funny. I blame the EU novels largely. No-one I've met IRL who hated TLJ wasn't also a heavy reader of the EU novels.

I bizarrely wasn't a fan of Rogue One though it is by no means a bad movie, just a mediocre one with an accidentally very funny ending. So my hopes for Andor were low, but Andor is easily the best Star Wars period, even though/because it's basically just straight-up a British SF series from the 1970s with a massive budget and made in the 2020s.
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This is like the "objectively correct" answer. And I say that as someone who owned AotC on DVD.

If you go through every tenet of movie-making, and rate the movies, AotC will end up on the bottom for sure. I even had to drop Solo from my list because I realized I hadn't included AotC. And Solo is a BAD movie, with one of the worst moments in Star Wars (that bit where he makes up his name, my eyes rolling nearly caused me physical injury).

TPM is nearly as bad (bonus multiple instances of bizarre racism, Watto being by far the worst which is impressive given how Minstrel-adjacent Jar Jar is), and TRoS is very close too but has much better performances, though "They fly now" alone is almost enough to destroy the movie.

TLJ is amazing and I won't hear anything else about it. However a weird mixture of terrible people and Gen-X nerds with very fixed ideas about Star Wars (esp. Luke Skywalker) hate it like they hate hell and all Capulets, which makes it extra-funny. I blame the EU novels largely. No-one I've met IRL who hated TLJ wasn't also a heavy reader of the EU novels.

I wasn't a fan of Luke in TLJ but didn't gate it either. I was a fan of the old EU novels.

I suspect it is because if this. When I first read Heir to the Empire in 1993 I viewed it as a sequel to Return ifvtge Jedi and waited a decade to learn about the characters fates.

Add another 20 years to that timeliness and you finally get to see Luke Jedi Master/Feandmaster on screen and we got TLJ Luke.

Remember XIII was part VIII of an ongoing story and marketed as the Skywalker Saga.

Compare with the reception Luke in The Mandalorian got.

So they daiked to develop bew characters people xare about and killed off the originals.

The core thread through the old EU novels was the three characters and Landos interactions over a 23 year period irl and 40 odd years in universe.

Ahsokas the only character with a similar story now and she's very popular and her story is "only" 15 years.

And even casuals played various video games that sold millions each eg Dark Forces, X-Wing/TIE Fighter or Knights of the Old Republic, Shadows of the Empire etc.

So you had an entire generations expections riding on those movies. If you count the really old novels its sober 30 years but the Star Wars revival started 1991. 80's kids were 90's teenagers playing those games.

So you had an entire generations expections riding on those movies. If you count the really old novels its sober 30 years but the Star Wars revival started 1991.
I mean, my experience is that only EU fans had specific "expectations" for Luke. And yeah they were set up from like 1991 onwards by the EU.

Also we got this weird retcon from a lot of people where they blamed Luke being a hermit living on an island on a nowhere planet and having done nothing for decades on TLJ, when in fact that was all established in TFA.

Voidrunner's Codex

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