What's the WORST Star Wars movie?

What's the WORST Star Wars movie? (vote for up to 3)

  • Ep I: The Phantom Menace

    Votes: 52 33.1%
  • Ep 2: Attack of the Clones

    Votes: 50 31.8%
  • Ep 3: Revenge of the Sith

    Votes: 14 8.9%
  • Ep 4: A New Hope

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ep 5: The Empire Strikes Back

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Ep 6: Return of the Jedi

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Ep 7: The Force Awakens

    Votes: 19 12.1%
  • Ep 8: The Last Jedi

    Votes: 56 35.7%
  • Ep 9: The Rise of Skywalker

    Votes: 95 60.5%
  • Rogue One

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • Solo

    Votes: 16 10.2%

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TLJ is amazing and I won't hear anything else about it.
Well, guess I'm going to say more about it!

TLJ is a terrible movie, and it has nothing to do with "subverting expectations". Its just plain bad.
  • Hermit Luke: The problem is not innately that Luke is a crabby old hermit now (I didn't like the direction but I can respect its an interesting take to go for). Its the fact that this crabby old hermit had created a map to find his location (established in TFA). Considering that was the entire plot of the original movie, that's one damn large plot hole. Did Luke change his mind, did someone else make the map against Luke's wishes (maybe one of his students, which would have been an interesting take). They just let this drop, and its asinine.

  • Holdo: Holdo is a terrible general. She withholds key information from all of her people at a moment of extreme crisis and does nothing to assuage everyone's legitimate fears. And then they find out they are going to a specific location, and she STILL doesn't tell them about the base that's there. While the mutiny was stupidly handled, Poe's concerns were justified. Remember this isn't the imperial navy with rigorous martial discipline, these are REBELS. You want to keep them in line, you better damn well have a good plan. What's even worse was it was so DAMN easy to address this problem. All they had to do, was in one of Holdo's initial conversations, the concern of a spy on board is brought up. And holdo mentions that everything needs to stay under wraps until they find them. Boom....done, now you have a premise to be secretive that actually makes some sense. Without that, she just looks completely incompetent.

  • Holdo Manuever: Super cool until you realize it breaks Star Wars, they literally have to drop a line in TROS to explain away why we can't just do it...you know.....all the time.

  • The chase: Paint drying is more exciting, again this is the BEST plot star wars could come up with? There are people that would sell their first born to write a star wars movie, and this is the best they could come up with?

  • Canto Bight: The most boring and pointless part in a pretty boring and pointless movie. This entire segment just doesn't need to exist.

  • Phasma: Setup to be a potential amazing foil to Finn, and they made such a big deal about a female stormtrooper in all the advertising. She has this cool badass armor, she had amazing potential. And they just drop her.....but kept Hux of all people. What a sodding waste of potential.

  • "Saving" Finn at the end. Yes lets save Finn by crashing his ship and then have a nice long talk with him while there are literally walkers around shooting. Another dumb dopey scene.

  • Luke dying: I don't mind Luke dying. And Luke doing that force projection was solid, I actually really liked that. But then he just died of.... exhaustion? Again that's the BEST you can come up with for luke skywalker?

I actually will stop here as I'm just getting started and I feel like I could write 4 pages here. TLJ has some cool elements, it really does, but they are just mashed into the soup of hot steamy garbage. TLJ is a terrible movie.

Kylid villain potential was ruined in TFA and more in last Jedi.
The had a reasonable "idea" in TFA, but the problem was execution.

Kylo gets shot in TFA, and the idea is when he's fighting Finn and then Rey, the injury is holding him back. They even show him nursing it and pumping himself up.

So again the idea makes sense. But.... Kylo is a sith lord, Finn doesn't have stormtrooper weapons, and Rey is a complete and total newb. A simple blaster wound isn't enough. What they needed to do was hurt him BADLY. Give him a shot near the chest. He's barely functional, he's having to use all of his force power just to keep himself moving. THEN the scene with Finn and Rey I can buy, he literally holds off these two characters while basically dying. Ok that's pretty bad ass.

He dud but it's in presentation. It establishes Vader as a badass/evil and powerful and some of those officers were incompetent.

Kylo came across as petulant teenager who needs time out.
Kylo makes me want to play a 5th level toddler Wizard as my next D&D character. "You won't give me the treasure share that I want? FIREBALL!"

I think this probably depends on how old you were when you saw The Empire Strikes Back. I remember my dad joking afterwards that no one with a brain would go to the Imperial Officer Candidacy School.

Well, guess I'm going to say more about it!

TLJ is a terrible movie, and it has nothing to do with "subverting expectations". Its just plain bad.
  • Hermit Luke: The problem is not innately that Luke is a crabby old hermit now (I didn't like the direction but I can respect its an interesting take to go for). Its the fact that this crabby old hermit had created a map to find his location (established in TFA). Considering that was the entire plot of the original movie, that's one damn large plot hole. Did Luke change his mind, did someone else make the map against Luke's wishes (maybe one of his students, which would have been an interesting take). They just let this drop, and its asinine.

  • Holdo: Holdo is a terrible general. She withholds key information from all of her people at a moment of extreme crisis and does nothing to assuage everyone's legitimate fears. And then they find out they are going to a specific location, and she STILL doesn't tell them about the base that's there. While the mutiny was stupidly handled, Poe's concerns were justified. Remember this isn't the imperial navy with rigorous martial discipline, these are REBELS. You want to keep them in line, you better damn well have a good plan. What's even worse was it was so DAMN easy to address this problem. All they had to do, was in one of Holdo's initial conversations, the concern of a spy on board is brought up. And holdo mentions that everything needs to stay under wraps until they find them. Boom....done, now you have a premise to be secretive that actually makes some sense. Without that, she just looks completely incompetent.

  • Holdo Manuever: Super cool until you realize it breaks Star Wars, they literally have to drop a line in TROS to explain away why we can't just do it...you know.....all the time.

  • The chase: Paint drying is more exciting, again this is the BEST plot star wars could come up with? There are people that would sell their first born to write a star wars movie, and this is the best they could come up with?

  • Canto Bight: The most boring and pointless part in a pretty boring and pointless movie. This entire segment just doesn't need to exist.

  • Phasma: Setup to be a potential amazing foil to Finn, and they made such a big deal about a female stormtrooper in all the advertising. She has this cool badass armor, she had amazing potential. And they just drop her.....but kept Hux of all people. What a sodding waste of potential.

  • "Saving" Finn at the end. Yes lets save Finn by crashing his ship and then have a nice long talk with him while there are literally walkers around shooting. Another dumb dopey scene.

  • Luke dying: I don't mind Luke dying. And Luke doing that force projection was solid, I actually really liked that. But then he just died of.... exhaustion? Again that's the BEST you can come up with for luke skywalker?

I actually will stop here as I'm just getting started and I feel like I could write 4 pages here. TLJ has some cool elements, it really does, but they are just mashed into the soup of hot steamy garbage. TLJ is a terrible movie.

I think there's ways to subvert expectations correctly. Thrawn in his trilogy does.

There's a few things that are kind of played out in Star Wars. Lazy writing basically.

1. Skywalker bloodline. I'm fine with it in VII-IX the galaxy is a big place though.

2. Darksider with some sort of mask/helmet/breathing apparatus. Vader dod it first we don't really bend Kylo and hideo fane characters to keep doing it.

3. Planet or Star destroying super weapons. Star forge yes, Starkiller bases, Deaths stars, Galaxy Guns, Sun crusher and superlasers on Star destroyers no.

Yup we got three different Luke's in the 3 movies.
Yeah its almost like we had character progression.

1) A whiny kid that gets caught up in a rebel plan and joins for the danger and excitement. He only lives by the will of the force and pure luck.

2) A rebel who is starting to season but is still cocky as hell. Disobeys his master (who knew better), gets his butt handed to him by Vadar and loses his hand. Only reason he lived as long as he did was because Vadar wanted to turn him not kill him, otherwise he would have been killed almost instantly.

3) Luke has become a man, he's now more thoughtful, mature, poised, practiced. He goes into the final battle not truly believing he can beat Vadar, but believing he can save him.

Would have been to see that in other star wars movies :)

At the time, I assumed TFA was meant as a palette cleanser for the prequel trilogy: "Here's all the stuff you liked from the original, remixed, plus the hotshot fighter pilot trope, which the movies never gave us."

And by and large, TFA did it all better.
Honestly about 75% of TFA is actually really good. The new characters are all super likeable, Finn and Poe's intro is gold. I think Han goes out in a reasonable way trying to save his son, BB-8 is a super cute and fun new droid for the kids, etc.

Its only towards the end that its similarities to ANH go from nods to the original into full blown remake, we get into the kill the super laser base again, Rey can inexplicably fight off a Sith Lord (until that moment her sudden power was a curiosity but not yet in mary sue territory. Its after that fight she really shifts into that motiff).

Honestly about 75% of TFA is actually really good. The new characters are all super likeable, Finn and Poe's intro is gold. I think Han goes out in a reasonable way trying to save his son, BB-8 is a super cute and fun new droid for the kids, etc.

Its only towards the end that its similarities to ANH go from nods to the original into full blown remake, we get into the kill the super laser base again, Rey can inexplicably fight off a Sith Lord (until that moment her sudden power was a curiosity but not yet in mary sue territory. Its after that fight she really shifts into that motiff).

Yup TFA started off really well. Even then they kinda reskinned Rey with Luke's background.

Acting was decent, Kylo had a great introduction.

Eben it being a bit to familiar one can understand why after the Prequels. New TIEs were a hit to familiar though.

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