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When Will and When Should WotC Release 4th Edition?

When Will WotC release 4th Edition and should they do so?

  • WotC will release it in 2 years and should not do so.

    Votes: 13 3.4%
  • WotC will release it in 2 years and should do so.

    Votes: 16 4.2%
  • WotC will release it in 3 years and should not do so.

    Votes: 71 18.6%
  • WotC will release it in 3 years and should do so.

    Votes: 54 14.1%
  • WotC will release it in 4 year and should not do so.

    Votes: 15 3.9%
  • WotC will release it in 4 years and should do so.

    Votes: 66 17.3%
  • WotC will release it in 5 or more years and should not do so.

    Votes: 10 2.6%
  • WotC will release it in 5 or mor years and should do so.

    Votes: 97 25.4%
  • WotC should never release a 4th Edition.

    Votes: 16 4.2%
  • Other.

    Votes: 24 6.3%


First Post
I think in 4e we will see a "real" sorcerer class. The sorcerer was brought into the game to preserve the Idea of someone who casts spells spontaneously, which they tried with all classes in the Playtesting (which made clerics and druids really nasty, as they knew all the spells and could decide what to cast on the spot) - after they went back to the old system, they decided to keep the new one in a way - and introduced the sorcerer (and changed the bard so he cast spontaneously). He's no new charakter concept like the monk, he's a wizard with spontaneous casting. Never mind the simple weapon proficiency or the different skill list, that's details. What really matters is their (almost) identical spell lists.

I think in 4e, the sorcerer will become more refined: An own spell list with a clear concept behind the idea, and maybe some class feature and all. I could even imagine erasing the generalist wizard (so wizards have to specialize and lose 1 school of their choice), while the sorcerer is the jack-of-all-trades. Or something totally different, like several paths the sorcerers can walk (with something similar to domains or spell schools)

I can also see druids (and rangers) becoming spontaneous spellcasters (either with wis or cha as spellcasting key ability score). While clerics (and paladins) use their faith and the power granted by it to cast spells, druids and rangers ask nature to help them, and it provides. They may have slightly more known spells than sorcerers have (divine spellcasters tend to know more spells than arcane spellcasters), or it will depend on their surroundings (e.g. in the city, they will have only few options, but in untouched natural areas more. And it changes depending on the kind of surrounding - forest, grassland, marsh, desert, tundra....)

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First Post
William Ronald said:
Any additional thoughts?

The classless PC might be handled in a fashion similar to what was in the Skills and Options books in 2nd edition. I seem to recall some rules on creating character classes in 2nd edition. This seems to be happening in several D20 books, so official rules in a 4th edition Players Handbook or DMG might be helpful.

From looking at the poll, it seems that most people who prefer a 4th Edition would prefer it to be released no sooner than 4 years from now. Can some of the people who voted elaborate on their choices?

Hello William; I was introduced to the game about the same time you were.

I vote no fewer than 4 years because they need to take the time to do it right. I feel that the 3.5 release fixed problems that needed fixing but the overall approach to the release was too much business and not enough improving the quality of the game system. (which is already pretty great.)
They need to take the time to make any 4.0 revolve around classless character creation and making the system better able to deal with high level play. I feel that the whole thing works best at the lower levels and then slowly starts to break down as you approach epic play.
A truly elegant classless character system would be more than justification for a fourth edition in 4 years or so and I would definitely be on board.

There's my two cents :rolleyes:

Rawwedge son of Molok.


First Post
Rawwedge said:
A truly elegant classless character system would be more than justification for a fourth edition in 4 years or so and I would definitely be on board.

I couldn't disagree more. The day D&D becomes classless is the day D&D isn't D&D anymore. Classless systems should never become more than an optional rule, IMO.


First Post
KaeYoss said:
I couldn't disagree more. The day D&D becomes classless is the day D&D isn't D&D anymore. Classless systems should never become more than an optional rule, IMO.

Hello KaeYoss;

I'm interested to know what it is about the classless system that runs against D&D for you. I still see all of the classes we know and love functioning normally in this system but being put together in a modular way that allows competitive 'multi-classing'.
Right now the system allows players to really run free with imaginative character concepts but if those concepts require too many combined classes, the character becomes inherently weak compared to his single class (1-3 classes) cousins; ie. inability to effect targets with spells at higher level etc. Really imaginative character generation is penalized by several rules at the moment.
When I started playing 1st edition, multi-classing was suicidal. The whole thing was clumsy and not at all worthwhile. There are things that bug me about 3rd edition but multi-classing is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I'd like to see the concept mature fully without corrupting the heart of D&D. imho that means some form of modular character generation that generates all of the core & prestige classes we enjoy and then some. Would you not enjoy a tailor made Wizard, Fighter, or Eldritch Knight?
Please share your thoughts :)


First Post
I think the classes are customizable enough now, with skills and feats. I think they should stay. We should have Fighters, Wizards, Rangers, and the rest in D&D - otherwise, it would IMO be no D&D any more

There are two things they could add/change, though:
1. Introduce something like starting packagaes in d20 Modern. Something to give you additional class skills, a bonus feat, additional cash, or the like. They could incorporate FR's starting packages into that.
2. Further optimize multiclassing so all classes will be viable and none to powerful for it (and still, the classes should have something to keep them a good choice even to, and beyond, level 20, without having to resort to PrC's).

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