But not JKRs. She has called for no one's "elimination" though evils one have called for hers.
I know nothing of how bad things beyond the UK (but I can imagine, well maybe I can't, how bad things are elsewhere).
The true enemy of "Trans people" is clearly religion, which is my last word on this complex matter
To give you the benefit of the doubt, I will quote the following:
I think many people still haven’t confronted the depth and the vitriol of Rowling’s transphobia. If they had, we wouldn’t be having a conversation about whether a Harry Potter TV show or Hogwarts Legacy should exist. I believe that most people — even if they don’t understand the ins and outs of trans identity and gender identity — instinctively know that mocking trans people for their anatomy and disregarding people’s pronouns is cruel. But it’s been difficult for many people who are aware of Rowling’s statements to grasp that this (former) hero to generations of hopeful children is now openly prejudiced toward trans and nonbinary people.
It’s possible that Rowling has been so confident about her transphobic opinions, despite all the pushback she’s received, because she is the author of Harry Potter. That is, it’s possible she feels like her voice as the author of Harry Potter simply outweighs everything else — even objective science, even trans people saying, “You’re hurting us, please stop.” And while the initial wave of backlash against Rowling was significant — most of the media coverage and popular debate around Rowling framed her views as abhorrent — the tide has continually turned in her favor, as most of the British media and increasingly mainstream US outlets like the New York Times publish intensely gaslighting treatises which insist that Rowling’s transphobia isn’t transphobic at all. Such pieces frame her as the misunderstood, abused victim of a virulent smear campaign — as though she were the one who suffers meaningful real-world consequences, rather than the millions of trans people whose lives are actively endangered by the kind of transphobic scaremongering she practices.
This is the full article-
Is the magic of Hogwarts Legacy — or any new Harry Potter storyline — ever worth enabling JKR’s transphobia?
Yeah. A lot of this sucks. It really sucks. For me, this "heel" turn by JK Rowling is similar to learning that M.A.R. Barker was a neo-Nazi. It makes me ill because I can't possibly wrap my head around the fact that a work that I admire could be produced by someone with such abhorrent views.
The difference, though, is that JK Rowling is not just some random, barely-known author. She is probably the most well-known advocate against the rights of people* in the UK currently, and one of the most well-known in the world. The money that goes to her hurts people I know. When someone purchases Hogwarts Legacy, they are saying that they care more about Quidditch and sorting hats than they do about some of our most marginalized communities. It's hard enough to be trans in this world without having some billionaire fund more hate and spew more vitriol against you.
If people want to discuss Harry Potter, more power to them. But giving JK Rowling, Inc. (aka, any products that give her money) additional money? Nope.
*Anyone who advocates against trans people is advocating against people, period.