Which adventure from Ryan Nock? [vote]

Which adventure from Ryan Nock?

  • Security at a magical fair

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Cryo-sleep & aliens

    Votes: 15 29.4%
  • Goblins & orcs

    Votes: 6 11.8%
  • Mech heist.

    Votes: 14 27.5%
  • Home Alone - Hogwarts Edition

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Brazil (not directed by Terry Gilliam)

    Votes: 8 15.7%
  • What is Best in Life?

    Votes: 4 7.8%


Well, that was fun
Staff member
We're just £800 away from forcing Kevin Kulp to write an adventure for us! Bwah hah hah! If you haven't yet, it would be awesome if you were to post, tweet, Facebook, G+, or blog about What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. - that way we (and I include myself in that!) increase our chances of getting that adventure. As a reminder, the adventure is called Spires in the Sky, and it's an introductory adventure for both O.L.D. and N.E.W.


I may be getting a little ahead of myself here, but if we achieve that awesome Spires in the Sky stretch goal, we'll need a new one. For this goal, I'm enlisting the services of an old friend!

Ryan Nock, one of the very best adventure writers around (as any ZEITGEIST customer will testify to - seriously, if you've never seen his writing, download the first (free) adventure and the player's/campaign guides for the ZEITGEIST adventure path - I promise you'll be impressed!) will be writing an adventure as a stretch goal for What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. Sadly, his fertile imagination has conjured up 7 concepts and I can't possibly choose! If you had to choose just ONE of these, which would it be?

1. Security at a magical fair, investigating a robbery. (Or you're friends with the shop owner.)

2. You're in cryo-sleep on a long sub-light-speed journey, and your ship AI wakes you up because the vessel has been boarded by aliens.

3. You're goblins and orcs, and your mission is to sack a human castle.

4. Mech Heist. You're doing an orbital drop assault in your 50-ft. tall battle armor, with orders to blast your way into an experimental factory, hijack the newest model of mechs with advanced tech, and fight your way to the dropship.

5. Home Alone - Hogwarts Edition. You and your classmates got left behind when your wizard school closed for winter vacation (i.e., the time when the frost wights come). You've got a day to prepare defenses with your best mix of spells and alchemy, and then fend off the undead.

6. Brazil (not directed by Terry Gilliam). You and your friends are vacationing at a pleasure resort when for some reason the A.I. decides you're a terrorist and sends cops, disrupts your travel, and generally starts trying to kill you. Can you escape or hack the system to clear your name?

7. What is Best in Life? The god of suffering is coming to town, and the only way to drive him back is to make everyone as happy as possible. Which isn't easy when cultists keep trying to sacrifice folks.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
We've achieved the goal needed for Spires in the Sky! it's next adventure will be announced very soon - right now cryo-sleep and aliens is leading with 3 votes!


First Post
I choose Brazil


My vote goes to #6 Brazil because if someone was trying to kill me on my vacation I wouldn't be very happy!

Arthur Soares


Well, that was fun
Staff member
It is decided! Waking Nightmares!


Twenty light years. When you went to sleep aboard the Galtrand Corporation's Dream of Stars, it was 2117 and earth was just receiving the light that left your destination in 2097. The alien world Gliese 581g orbits under a dim red sun but has the perfect mix of planetary elements to be worth sending a crew through the dark of space for two centuries to plunder its natural resources and found a new civilization. Spectrographs showed the atmosphere clean, with oxygen marking the presence of life, but no signs of industrial activity that would indicate a native population.

The last light you saw from Gliese 581g left in 2097. You left earth in 2117. Now it's 2317 and your ship will soon be waking you. Unfortunately, the aliens of Gliese 581g started their industrial revolution in 2098.

Waking Nightmares, an introductory N.E.W. adventure of space action and horror.



The last light you saw from Gliese 581g left in 2097. You left earth in 2117. Now it's 2317 and your ship will soon be waking you. Unfortunately, the aliens of Gliese 581g started their industrial revolution in 2098.

Waking Nightmares, an introductory N.E.W. adventure of space action and horror.

That's really a nasty, wonderful idea! :D

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