Which Edition(s) do you regularly play?

What D&D Edition(s) do you play regularly?

  • Original (1974) D&D

    Votes: 7 4.3%
  • Holmes D&D

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • B/X D&D

    Votes: 12 7.5%

    Votes: 10 6.2%
  • AD&D 1E

    Votes: 31 19.3%
  • AD&D 2E

    Votes: 15 9.3%
  • AD&D 2E with Skills and Powers

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • D&D 3.0

    Votes: 10 6.2%
  • D&D 3.5

    Votes: 52 32.3%
  • D&D 4E

    Votes: 49 30.4%
  • D&D 4E Essentials

    Votes: 29 18.0%
  • Pathfinder

    Votes: 70 43.5%
  • I play a retro-clone of the game I picked

    Votes: 22 13.7%
  • I do not play D&D

    Votes: 10 6.2%
  • I am too awesomely complex for your puny poll.

    Votes: 16 9.9%


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
Weird that no one else has mentioned this, but the poll also left out D&D Next as an option. That's the one for me. We haven't played anything else since the first playtest document went public.

I am too awesomely complex for a number of things. This puny poll is but one.


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And, of course, the two (PF and 3.5) were created for entirely different reasons.
Quite right, and good point.
Interestingly, PF has, over the course of the last couple years, become much more like 3.5 than PF initially was -- it is becoming supplement bloated and heavily erratta'd and starting to veer into end of cycle material (Big equipment guide). While this isn't necessarily a bad thing -- some people love that stuff -- I hoped that PF could avoid the usual D&D cycle and concentrate on other things as it matured: additional settings, an increased focus on (non-AP) adventures, and "idea supplements" for oth players and GMs rather than rules supplements. I get it that a publisher has to print books in order to survive; I just wish those books weren't reams of new classes, spells, items,etc...
I don't think it was ever Paizo's intention to do anything differently than they are. And it seems to be working for them. Ultimate Equipment might seem like end of cycle to us, with our experiences with 3.5 or 2e or whatever, but Paizo seems to have raced fairly quickly to that point, perhaps accurately divining that their core player base values and desires that kind of rules complexity. I agree that I don't know exactly where they go from here, but hopefully (for their sake) Paizo does.

In terms of adventures and setting material, they've still got lots to explore that isn't "end of life cycle" material. And maybe they'll get around to doing psionics in terms of system now, or something. I dunno.

But I believe Paizo always intended on getting that level of supplement bloat out there, and probably as quickly as they could. From my perspective, one of the roadblocks I had around thinking of adopting Pathfinder or 4e either one was that 3.5 was a mature system that had a lot of options available, whereas as new systems, either of those two wouldn't be (and 3.5 material isn't always as compatible with Pathfinder as I'd like it to be either.) The experience felt really impoverished to me, as the kind of person, playing in the kind of group, where the more common archetypes and options feel cliche and we avoid them. If Paizo wanted to get to a "robust" ruleset with lots of options to cater to the market that feels that way (and I believe from what I see from folks on the Paizo discussion forums that such is indeed a common attribute of the core Pathfinder playing base) then getting there quickly was actually a smart move on Paizo's part.

Granted, I still don't know where they go from here, but hey, that's Paizo's problem to figure out, not mine.


Granted, I still don't know where they go from here, but hey, that's Paizo's problem to figure out, not mine.

While I don't believe it's a favorite subject of Paizo, there will most likely, eventually be some kind of Epic rules. And even though Dreamscarred Press released Psionic material, the possibility exists for a Paizo version of psionics. There's a possibility of planar guide. These are just some of what Paizo may yet release (plus material I haven't even thought of, I'm sure...)

Except for the possibility of planets of Golarian, I doubt if Paizo is seriously looking at creating additional settings - one never knows, of course.

Plus there's all the lovely 3PP producing excellent material for Pathfinder.

I don't see the end of this 'edition' of Pathfinder for some time.

Dark Mistress

First Post
While I don't believe it's a favorite subject of Paizo, there will most likely, eventually be some kind of Epic rules. And even though Dreamscarred Press released Psionic material, the possibility exists for a Paizo version of psionics. There's a possibility of planar guide. These are just some of what Paizo may yet release (plus material I haven't even thought of, I'm sure...)

Except for the possibility of planets of Golarian, I doubt if Paizo is seriously looking at creating additional settings - one never knows, of course.

Plus there's all the lovely 3PP producing excellent material for Pathfinder.

I don't see the end of this 'edition' of Pathfinder for some time.

They announced Mythic Rules at Gencon, it will be their take on "epic" level play. The big difference is these are special add on "levels" instead of ones that continue on. For example by what has been said you could have a 3rd level fighter a 1st level mythic warrior(or what ever it will be called)


I play in a D&D 4th game and run a Forgotten Realms game using the Core Pathfinder rules. I love collecting FR supplements no matter the edition.


I'm playing 3.5e exclusively at the moment. Not due to any prejudice or anything - it's just that that's my ongoing campaign, and I don't have time for any other gaming at the moment!

After this campaign is done, it is my intention to take a long break from all editions of D&D (inc Pathfinder). Other than maybe a bit of playtesting, I don't expect to play any D&D until 5e is released. I just need a break from it, and there are other games I want to run and play.

I voted, but haven't commented.

I play a Pathfinder as base, with classes and races (as well as the alternate magic system for those classes) from MC's Arcana Unearthed. I also use a fair amount of stuff from 3.5 (later class and race books). I also use some 3rd party support for 3.0/3.5/AU/PF. But it is all close enough to the same game to blend pretty well together.

Voidrunner's Codex

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