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D&D General Which Enworlders do you want to game with?


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Thanks for that, and I'd say the same applies the other way. :)

Another poster whose style intrigues me is @MoonSong - similar situation where we agree on some things and disagree on others. Ditto @Hussar , though there both the agreements and disagreements tend to be much stronger: it would either be the rockin'est-ever of games or it'd end within minutes as one or the other of us left the table. :)
Thank you! It is mutual I'd love to play with you because we share a lot of baggage on playstyle, yet we differ on some stuff. I've also always found @Charlaquin very cool too. And extending that invitation, I'd love to have @Gradine, @Steampunkette, and a couple of posters who sadly aren't around anymore.

I'd also like to play with @LuisCarlos17f he seems like a fun person to be around, with a lot of imagination. Besides, we're both Spanish speaking weebs (o Friki on our shared tongue) n_n.

Though definitely, if I could only have one game with one poster here, it'd be a 4e game with @pemerton.

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Morkus from Orkus
There's no "blushing" reaction!
But there is...

Happy Snow White GIF by Disney

I have to agree with the general tone of the thread - if you're an ENworlder, I'd be happy to play a game with you - but if I had to single anyone out, I'd like to play a game with @Parmandur , @doctorbadwolf , and @Ruin Explorer , if only because between the group of us, I think we could get a pretty sweet Planescape game going.

I'd like to play with @Whizbang Dustyboots too - they've been the voice of reason to me several times on the boards here - but I feel like that's more of an OSR game.

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
I'd be happy to run games and play with just about anyone on this site, or hang out and chat with them in real time. But I'd rather not name persons because that just makes someone else feel left out.

In fact, I think I'd like to game with the less-known people who mostly lurk here and not post very often, if at all. (Lurkers! If you're reading this, tag yourselves in!)

Also, if I were running the game, we would not be playing DnD. We already spend so much time and energy discussing that already. I would rather use this opportunity for others to try something else. Likewise, I'd hope that someone would introduce me (as a player) to something different tht they were truly passionate about.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I'm fortunate enough to have a great deal of experience through the Iron DM tournament of how some other ENWorlders design adventures (which I would like to think also gives insight on how they'd run/play them). Of those, @Deuce Traveler, @Wicht, and @FitzTheRuke have had some of the coolest adventures that I've wanted to play in before.

I could imagine getting a pretty fun game going with the crew over in the I Didn't Comment thread; @CleverNickName, @Snarf Zagyg, @payn, @trappedslider sounds like a hell of an irreverent game... maybe Paranoia? Only Commie Mutant Traitors put pineapple on their pizza.

And then of course there's plenty of other cool folks I've gotten to meet here that would be fun to game, like @MoonSong, @doctorbadwolf, @Steampunkette, @Charlaquin to name just a few.

IRL I've tended to reserve playing with friends I've made before playing D&D with them, but I've been running more games through my work with new faces that has been a lot of fun too. This is a pretty cool place to talk about RPGs (for the most part) and I definitely wouldn't say no to an all-ENWorld game

Voidrunner's Codex

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