D&D General Which Fighting Styles work well with which Subclasses?

For those who have role-played a class or a subclass that comes with a selection of Fighting Styles to choose from, which Fighting Style do you think worked well with your subclass choice? And do you think each of the Fighting Styles in 5e should have their own subclass?

For example, a 5e version of PF1's Two-Weapon Warrior

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For those who have role-played a class or a subclass that comes with a selection of Fighting Styles to choose from, which Fighting Style do you think worked well with your subclass choice? And do you think each of the Fighting Styles in 5e should have their own subclass?

For example, a 5e version of PF1's Two-Weapon Warrior
This would work well for 1D&D if they didn't backtrack on unified subclass progression and cross-class sub-classes.

The archery fighting style works great with Arcane Archer. But that's because they use a bow.

It's hard to rightly say, because the best FS will depend on what weapons you take, which in turn requires asking if SS/GWM still have their power attack function. And what else you're trying to accomplish with your build.

I mean, +1 ac is good no matter what, and I've heard many disparaging comments about the shield based reaction FS.

Voidrunner's Codex

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