Which RPGs did you play in 2023?


My games:

Castles & Crusades (one-shot, convention)
Rippers - Savage Worlds (convention)
AD&D 2e (convention)
Vaesen (one-shot, convention)

D&D 5e
D&D 4e
Gamma World 7e
Holler - Savage Worlds

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Ran a supers campaign using Savage Worlds and the Super Powers Companion near the start of the year.

Played through a heavily home brewed version of Rise of Tiamat using Level Up as the rules system.

Also played a Faerun game, inspired by Descent into Avernus, but more about politics than kicking devil butt and using Savage Worlds with a mix of Savage Pathfinder and the Fantasy Companion and a generous dose of home brew.

Good fun, all of them.


Played in two and ran one this year:
  • Blades in the Dark. We started in August 2022 and wrapped in 2023. About half of the ~30 sessions overall were in 2023. Blades was fun, and I wouldn’t mind giving it another try (as long as it doesn’t devolve into more cult play).
  • Stonetop. We started up after our Blades game. I played ~8 sessions before dropping out. I liked the setting, but the game didn’t really work for me.
  • My homebrew system. This campaign started with WWN in 2021 and went ~10 sessions before I decided to do the homebrew system, which we switched to using, and I have run sing/developing my homebrew system over ~30 sessions. About half of those were in 2023. The campaign is still ongoing, and I hope we can meet more consistently in 2024 (closer to ~20 sessions).


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Played in two and ran one this year:
  • Blades in the Dark. We started in August 2022 and wrapped in 2023. About half of the ~30 sessions overall were in 2023. Blades was fun, and I wouldn’t mind giving it another try (as long as it doesn’t devolve into more cult play).
What does "cult play" mean?


What does "cult play" mean?
Cult is one of the crew types. We picked assassins, but we ended up involved with She Who Slays in Darkness, and we all got into it. It was fun, but I’d like the next Blades game I play to develop differently.

Since you’re not supposed to push the game in a specific direction, that presents something of a conundrum. Ideally, the game produces a range of experiences. That’s why I’d like to play again (to find out).

What does "cult play" mean?

The game took a very "Cult" (a type of Crew in Blades in the Dark where the motivations are to venerate and resurrect a heresy and the associated deity) and supernatural turn where the trajectory of play was heavily imbued with the resurrection of the Forgotten Goddess venerated by one of the PCs and the implication upon setting and PCs.

The Crew were Assassins at the outset of play.

EDIT - For the thread at large, I ran:

  • Blades in the Dark (mentioned above)
  • Stonetop x 3 (mentioned above)
  • (orthodox) D&D 4e
  • D&D 4e in Blades in the Dark's setting
  • Torchbearer
  • Mouse Guard
  • The Between
  • Dogs in the Vineyard
  • Thousand Arrows
  • Dungeon World one-shot
  • Apocalypse World one-shot
  • Moldvay Basic one-shot dungeon (which spanned a few sessions)
  • A couple other games that I'm forgetting and can't recall for the life of me.
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Cult is one of the crew types. We picked assassins, but we ended up involved with She Who Slays in Darkness, and we all got into it. It was fun, but I’d like the next Blades game I play to develop differently.

Since you’re not supposed to push the game in a specific direction, that presents something of a conundrum. Ideally, the game produces a range of experiences. That’s why I’d like to play again (to find out).
I didn't get that into the cult thing. My whisper character quietly pursued his own interests (mostly), and turned into a leviathan at the end. 🐋


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
  • D&D 5e (finished 3 year homebrew campaign)
  • Masks: A New Generation (PbtA Teen Superteam)
  • 13th Age 2nd edition Playtest
  • D&D 5e (multiple campaigns)
  • Pulp 1920s Call of Cthulhu (continuing the Masks of Nyarlathotep mega-campaign)
  • SF Fate Core (homebrew mix, inspired by Firefly & The Expanse with some Mass Effect)
  • Scum and Villainy (Forged in the Dark SF game)
  • Blades in the Dark (unfortunately just a few sessions, my fault)

From a system perspective, aiming in 2024 for:
  • Running/playing more Masks & other PbtA games. Hopefully with Avatar: Legends among them as a player.
  • Finishing Masks of Nyarlathotep and putting down the CoC 7ed system.
  • The primary other 5e DM figuring if he wants to stay with 5e-as-is or move to the 50th Anniversary Edition, PF2revised, or the recently announced MCDM RPG. He's been making noises about having "one system change left in me", though he's still in his early 40s and I know there will be more.
  • Figuring out what system to run my next Heroic Fantasy game, with heavy overlap in players with the above game.
And hopeful for:
  • Playing something Supers, likely Masks, Sentinel Comics RPG, Worlds in Peril (or ICONS or MHRP).
  • More Fate, both the SF one and potentially others.
  • Playing or running some urban fantasy, like Urban Shadows, Dresden Accelerated, Monster of the Week, Monsterhearts, Unknown Armies, Apocalypse Keys.
  • Playing either cyberpunk or non-grimdark post-apocalyptic. With or without fantastical elements.
  • Ironsworn? Possibly solo, not something I've done since AD&D.
  • Getting to branch out more. Games like Vaesen or Spire and others.
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Didn't go through my calendar yet, so just from memory:
  • D&D5 (we wrapped up the Call of the Deep campaign; this also concludes 5e for me)
  • Forbidden Lands (tried to resume our Raven's Purge campaign; sadly now completely dead)
  • Savage Worlds/Sprawlrunners (playing GM-edit versions of old Shadowrun 1+2 adventures)
  • Dungeon Crawl Classics (multiple one-shots, published adventures)
  • Broken Compass (single one-shot, homebrew adventure)
Generally, the year was ok, but I'm really sad about the end of our Forbidden Lands campaign - it's a system and group I like a lot.

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