Which RPGs did you play in 2023?

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  • Eclipse Phase 2e (Much better than 1e, but still rather crunchy)
  • Fabula Ultima
  • GURPS 4e (Reality deviants in steampunk setting) + (Ice-age horror scenario).
  • Homebrewed PbtA-based Wuxia-game, started as the FATE-based game Tianxia: Blood, Silk & Jade.
  • Pathfinder 1e: Legacy of Fire
  • Pathfinder 2e: One-shot where we tested the system. It did not go well. Should have been a TPK.
  • Pathfinder 2e Revised (so far only one session. Worked much better than the other try.)
  • Star Trek Adventures: Lower decks
  • The Troubleshooters. Playtest of a new upcoming official adventure.

  • The Troubleshooters. (GM'ed a scenario at an annual convention in Gothenburg, and have started my own campaign)


  • The Troubleshooters. Playtest of a new upcoming official adventure.
  • The Troubleshooters. (GM'ed a scenario at an annual convention in Gothenburg, and have started my own campaign)
New adventure? Consider my interest piqued! (Also planning on running/hoping to run TS next year, once one of my friends becomes available in May.)


New adventure? Consider my interest piqued! (Also planning on running/hoping to run TS next year, once one of my friends becomes available in May.)
The creator of the game is actually working on 2 adventures.

  • The Great Champagne Gallop (the hunt for a crazy inheritance. And lots of relatives that should not inherit)
  • The Ghost knight (don't know much about this though)

If I understood it correctly, the plan is a kickstarter for both at the same time. Last I heard The champagne Galop was in layout, and there were some text and a map left on the other. Some illustrations already made for both.

There are more details on Helmgast's Discord server.
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This year I’ve continued to GM my weekly Savage Pathfinder city campaign. I’ve also done some WFRP4e one-shots as system and Foundry testing as prep for a campaign start next year.

And I’ve said feck it to waiting any longer for the elusive SWADE sci fi companion, and started prepping for a Travelleresqe Savage Worlds campaign. This involves lots of work from scratch in Foundry, and with zero coding skills this will take a while, but hopefully I can start it up towards the spring.

Thomas Shey

Assuming you include GMing, I certainly was involved with Pathfinder 2e and BASH Unlimited Edition; its possible I was still running Fragged Empire 1e at the start of the year, too.

Thomas Shey

13th Age (Playtest edition). They're coming out with a new edition and we're using the playtest rules. Again, we're missing a lot of game days as they're being cancelled at the last minute. I don't think we played at all in November and I only have a vague idea of what's going on. Thankfully I'm not running the game.

What'd you think of it? I've heard some pretty mixed things about the new edition playtest.

Voidrunner's Codex

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