D&D 5E Which three classic settings do you think WotC will publish in 2022-23? (Fixed)

Pick three and only three

  • Planescape

    Votes: 108 71.5%
  • Spelljammer

    Votes: 54 35.8%
  • Dark Sun

    Votes: 90 59.6%
  • Forgotten Realms (Faerun)

    Votes: 33 21.9%
  • Beyond Faerun (Al-Qadim, Kara-Tur, Maztica, etc)

    Votes: 8 5.3%
  • Dragonlance

    Votes: 78 51.7%
  • Greyhawk

    Votes: 34 22.5%
  • Mystara

    Votes: 11 7.3%
  • Birthright

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Nentir Vale

    Votes: 11 7.3%
  • Council of Wyrms

    Votes: 3 2.0%
  • Ghostlight

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Blackmoor

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Pelinore

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Jakandor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon Fist

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Rokugan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other non-D&D setting (e.g. Gamma World, etc)

    Votes: 4 2.6%
  • Don't Care/Whatever

    Votes: 3 2.0%


Sorry, I forgot to include Dark Sun in that last one but instead included Birthright twice! Whoops.

Emphasis on what you THINK, not what you want.

We know that we'll see two in 2022 plus a "cameo" of some kind, then a third in 2023. That's all, afaik, at least that they've mentioned (meaning, there could be more in 2024 and beyond).

Also, I'm not talking about the "cameo"--which is presumably in another product--but actual full setting treatments.

I'm using this as the source, which I think includes every official D&D setting ever published in any form or fashion by TSR or WotC. I've included the ones we all know have less than a 0.1% of publication (e.g. Pelinore), just for the sake of completeness.

Again, try to refrain from picking what you want and instead pick what you think they'll publish. Three of them.

p.s. Mahasarpa would be part of "Beyond Faerun."
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My picks, in order of likelihood:

Very likely: Planescape, Dark Sun
Quite possible: Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance
Maybe, but probably not: Spelljammer, Greyhawk
Very unlikely but maybe someday: Mystara, Beyond Faerun, Birthright, Nentir Vale, Council of Wyrms, Gamma World
RIP: Everything else

I think the first two are virtual locks. I keep going back and forth between FR and DL, but currently give FR the edge. But that could change after one convincing post. The rest...I'd be surprised, to varying degrees. I still think we could see Greyhawk in 2024. Spelljammer will be present, but not as a standalone, at least not as one of the three.


I think we have a good chance to see Planescape, though the bigger question is will it be pure Planescape or Planescape/Spelljammer.

Forgotten Realms is a no-brainer, the question is what it will cover - a rehash of the Sword Coast, the Dalelands, The North or something more ambitious?

Dark Sun is a cross-my-fingers, but it was released under 4E, and there was a recent kickstarter (that was scrapped) that proved there is interest. It also creates a frame around which we could see further psionic development. It's a maybe buoyed by hope.

The only other one I can think of for contention is Dragonlance, but for that one I think we're just going to see novels and not any setting material.


I think we have a good chance to see Planescape, though the bigger question is will it be pure Planescape or Planescape/Spelljammer.

Forgotten Realms is a no-brainer, the question is what it will cover - a rehash of the Sword Coast, the Dalelands, The North or something more ambitious?
Yes, good question. I think it is either a 5E version of the FRCS--focused on Faerun, but with mention of other continents--or a focus on another area, such as the Dalelands/Moonsea region. I'd guess the former, as the latter implies focus on said region via story arcs, and I think they're going to be less Realmscentric going forward.
Dark Sun is a cross-my-fingers, but it was released under 4E, and there was a recent kickstarter (that was scrapped) that proved there is interest. It also creates a frame around which we could see further psionic development. It's a maybe buoyed by hope.
It also provides genres (sword and sorcery, post-apocalyptic, gritty) that 5E hasn't really covered. Plus, it is enormously popular, at least among grogs and neo-grogs.
The only other one I can think of for contention is Dragonlance, but for that one I think we're just going to see novels and not any setting material.
That is my take right now, but as I said, could change with a convincing post. Yours wasn't it or, rather, solidified my pick of FR.


I suppose I should have included an Eberron option. Alas.
I like Eberron as much as the next guy, but I can't imagine we will ever see a Wizards published Eberron book again for this edition of D&D. Keith Baker seems to be doing all the work for Eberron on his own, and we haven't seen any real interest or investment into Eberron from Wizards post Rising from the Last War. If you're a fan of the setting like I am, I recommend checking out Keith Baker's recent material on DM's Guild, Exploring Eberron was great.

Spelljammer has been one of Chris Perkins' hobby horses for a while, and if those new Dragonlance novels are coming out I imagine Wizards will want to publish a splat book on the setting (and likely never re-visit either ever again this edition except mentioned in passing). Both of these settings are likely candidates in my mind.

Based on how Wizards has defined "setting" in the recent past, a more cynical part of me wouldn't be surprised if all three of the "classic settings" were just 3 nations in Faerun; Neverwinter, Luskan and Thay if I had to guess.


First Post
Forgotten Realms. Because it's flat, boring and everyone knows it. It's the Sword Coast. Again. Also Baldur's Gate 3.

Planescape with Spelljammer ships. It links to MTG planeswalkers and BG3 has a big Spelljammer in it's intro movie.

Dragonlance - they are making a new book series and it will tie in. Make it a ongoing adventure path with 20+ adventures and people start paying subscriptions. And subscriptions is how you make money with content these days. And content is how you make steaming services.

Cameo - Mystera in a red box release version. Everyone who was around in the 80's knows the red box.

Sadly we already know Ravenloft is one, FR is going to be another.

Voidrunner's Codex

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