Who are your favorite TTRPG reviewers?

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I’ve been listening to Ludo Narrative Dissidents podcast. I don’t agree with some things they say, but their reviews are interesting and smart. A bit self-promoting at times, but overall I like them a lot.


  1. Bryce Lynch from Tenfootpole because his review standards, particularly in relation to usability at the table accord with my own. Unfortunately he only tends to reviews OSR adventures.
  2. Seth Skorkowsy because he only reviews stuff he's played.
  3. Jeff McAleer from the Gaming Gang because his review standards accord with mine if not quite to the same extent as Bryce Lynch but he reviews a wider range of stuff, and his playing interests are similar to mine (particularly Call of Cthulhu, Runequest, Traveller).
(I'd have inserted links but can't get it to work on my Chrome brower)

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