Who are your favorite TTRPG reviewers?

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Thank you to everyone for the recommendations. I'll have to give them a look.

Related question: Are there any reviewers out there looking for hidden gems in the DMs Guild specifically?


Honestly, Seth is the only one I trust because Seth is the only one who reviews an RPG text from the perspective of a functional GM as I understand the job. He's actually reviewing how it plays and not how it reads, and for me that's everything. I see so many reviews of a game book where they are reviewing it like a coffee table book, "Eww.... isn't the art so evocative. See all this compelling micro-fiction. Doesn't this make you excited!" No, it doesn't. Tell me how it plays and be critical enough about that play experience and what you actually did to make it work that I know you had a good time (or didn't have a good time) and why.

That said, not all of Seth's and his groups aesthetics align with mine. He and his group seem to enjoy gritty investigative games with Tier 1 heroes and my players are much more in the Tier 2 level of action hero gaming and much more hack and slashers. So it leaves a pretty big slice of what I want reviewed unreviewed. But if you want to impress me, review like Seth.

Haiku Elvis

Knuckle-dusters, glass jaws and wooden hearts.
I'll second Quinns' Quest. I know it's new and only a couple of episodes in but I like the fact they are actual reviews not just game summaries and they are entertaining as well as informative.

I would also nominate Between two Cairns podcast for weekly OSR adventure module reviews. Its Yochai Gal - the writer of Cairn plus Brad Kerr an OSE adventure writer and self proclaimed hater of waterfalls. Funny and has the podcast equivalent of extreme thread drift most weeks.
In a bizarre coincidence/sign of the impending apocalypse, when getting the link I just found out today's episode features Quinns from Quinns Quest.


Tegan J. has a good channel. They do a thorough game of the month with an introductory video, a thorough review/breakdown of the game video and then the team live streams the game. If you are curious about a particular rpg, this is a fantastic way to get a really good taste and analysis.

aramis erak

The closest to "favorite" is "I can trust his judgement, but may not agree with it" - and that's RPG Pundit.
I don't trust, but do enjoy, many of the reviews by Z Gosck, RPGG: Dr. Wolfensteinula, Youtube: zigmenthotep

For the rest? I generally find the user comments on DTRPG more valuable than most dedicated reviewers.

Me! I prefer my own opinion. I don't put any stock in a review...as they say. opinions are like...
Guess it depends on what you are looking for. Though I rarely go by what reviewers opinions are, I do like when they give information I think is useful (of course this varies for everyone), like details on components of a book (does it cover this or that, how much detail, etc)

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