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D&D 4E Who else is going to be a deserter when 4e comes out?


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Well, I still like D&D, don't regret my gaming purchase, yet as time pass, I have gone away from D&D 3.5 to other d20 games, stopping buying WotC products. Then, I got Castles & Crusades, and now I want to get Savage Worlds and HARP, if only to know what they are about.

In fact I am preparing my desertion from 4e. I don't know; maybe I am burned out, maybe I am tired of seeing the endless supplements released by WotC (although this is a good thing)... I don't know. However, it is almost for certain: as far as I am concerned 4e will be a completely different game. My D&D experience will stop at 3.5.

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It sounds like what you're doing is moving away from D&D now, and then when 4e comes out, you're going to neglect to pick it up, more than desertion.

As for myself, it depends. Right now I'm still having a lot of fun with D&D, as well as with other systems. How I feel when 4e comes out, will depend on what changes they make, and what games I'm playing at the time.

But, I still get a little annoyed at 4e threads - I don't think WotC is going to start a new edition for at least three-four years from now.


4e? Isn't that just a bad joke of a rumor? I have not been paying mutch attention the last few years though, but still. 3e and 3.5e were just released!


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Can I just take this chance to say:
The sky is falling

Seriously though unless 4e is an improvement (in the areas I feel need improving) I'll stick to 3.5 or C&C - I've got plenty of rulesets available and some despite being old (RQ2, Paranoia) are still well worth using so I'm not sure about spending yet more money on rules (minis, dice - yes, rules - not really, adventures - maybe).


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JoeGKushner said:

If it's better than 3.5, no.
I am not sure what "better" would be with D&D. What I see, is my perpetual insatisfaction that propels me to search for ever newer d20 supplements, hoping to eventually find something that will eventually satisfy me. Now, maybe the answer is just a single-book different RPG. 4e will probably also sell dozens of books, so I want to seek somewhere else, somewhere with rules that would be imediately okay and without endless supplements.


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I'll be another deserter.

Due to the age of myself and my players, and my growing responsibilities and time constraints, 3.5 will be my last edition.


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Bah. It's all mindless speculation.

If you go back (way back) and read threads from before 3.5 was released, a lot of folks weren't going to update. Now? Virtually everyone (and I'm not even one of them) are playing 3.5.

There's too many variables, and it's impossible to read the future.


First Post
Nope. I'll happily upgrade to 4.0 when it comes out. I'm not much in the market for splats and expansions and the only D&D products on my shelf right now are the 3 core books. A 50 dollar total investment when I bought them (some funky finanglin' from B&N online). 50 bucks for years worth of enjoyment? I'll not even blink to go for the next edition, especially if it's an improvement over this edition.

This with my major gaming interest lying in Grim Tales, d20 Modern, d20 CoC, and other such d20-based non-D&D games. *shrug* I think a 4e or d20Modern 2nd Ed would be GOOD for those games, in a few years.

It's my sincere hope that Ben could turn a new edition to his advantage by eventually releasing a Grim Tales 2nd Ed. book to go along with any changes in 4e or d20M 2nd Ed. I'd gladly line up to buy a new GT core book, and dance a happy little gig after handing him my money.

The RPG market seriously suffers from slitting its own damn throat. You put out an edition of a book and people buy a single copy and expect to have it for fifty bazillion years. But you can't run a business by selling your market a single book every decade. I think D&D needs new editions to stay fresh, new, and fun.

There are new paradigms out there in terms of rules, supplements, and design methods that I think WotC and D&D could definately make use of to improve the base game ... they should be incorporated into the game, a new edition released, the new edition OGL/SRDed and let the evolution CONTINUE.

When 3.5 becomes staid and boring and I find myself increasingly pressed to strap more and more 3rd-party house rules onto it to get it to do the things I want ... my hope is that Wizards will be intelligent enough to release another edition which will solve those problems.


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